sixteen year old rescued at Villa Sofia

June 30, 2024, 1.39pm

3 min of reading

PALERMO – The 16-year-old girl is no longer in danger of dying who, a week ago, was the victim of a dramatic accident along the road that leads from the Monte Pellegrino viewpoint to the sanctuary of Santa Rosalia.

The accident

He was riding a 125 motorcycle driven by a friendalso sixteen, who – for reasons being ascertained by the municipal police conducting the investigation – lost control of the vehicle: the girl ended up against the guardrail and then across the road, then crashing into large abandoned tree trunks parallel to the guardrail. A very violent impact.

Having received the report from the accident investigation department, the Palermo Public Prosecutor’s Office opened a case for very serious injuries. Kept in a medically induced coma in intensive care, the doctors at Villa Sofia decided to dissolve the prognosis after having stabilized the patient from the risk of infections.

Hospitalization and then rehabilitation will take a long time, the doctors explain. The girl had arrived at the hospital shortly after midnight between Saturday and Sunday, in conditions described as “disastrous”, transported by the 118 ambulance with the doctor on board who immediately alerted the emergency room, immediately realizing the seriousness of the situation.

“A complex case”

“A truly complex case, the impact subverted the anatomical planes as well as causing the fracture of the pelvis”, the head doctor of the Trauma center, Antonio Iacono, who coordinated the interdisciplinary team that saved the girl’s life, told ANSA.

As soon as she reached the emergency room, iThe emergency surgery doctor alerted the gynecologist and the urologist. There were moments of panic. “A trauma of this type is not seen every day, so in the initial phase there was a bit of confusion, the plastic surgeon was also called. There was an initial operation that lasted two hours to try to stabilize the patient as much as possible. Due to the difficulty of the situation, some colleagues at that time had hypothesized transfer to the Civico hospital – reports Iacono – I contacted our best specialists. Everyone understood the problem, without any hesitation it was decided to proceed with the operation”.

The intervention

For eight hours – from 8am to 4pm last Sunday – the members of the multidisciplinary team took turns in the operating room: Antonio Mirabella, head of emergency surgery, intervened to avoid the onset of complications from a hygienic point of view in the traumatized part; Fulvio Piazza, head of urology, identified the urethra and catheterized the bladder; Dario Sajeva, head of the maxillofacial surgery department, reconstructed the entire external area and the “pelvic floor”; Daniele Bonomo, head of orthopaedics, repaired the fracture of the pelvis.

“Polytrauma is a team effort – explains Antonio Iacono – The Villa Sofia center is the only one in Sicily that manages such complex interventions, patients arrive from all over the island, we treat an average of 400 cases per year. And to think that a year ago there was talk of closing it after the orthopedics was left without doctors. Instead, if the trauma center has become an essential point of reference, we must give credit to the Health Councilor Giovanna Volo and the general director Salvatore Iacolino”.

Leggi qui tutte le notizie di Palermo

Published on

June 30, 2024, 1:39 PM

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