Piedmont, bad weather and firefighters

Piedmont, bad weather and firefighters
Piedmont, bad weather and firefighters

Piedmont, dealing with a complicated weather situation, so much so as to induce President Cirio to request a state of emergency.


The flood that hit Valnontey, a hamlet of Cogne, caused a series of evacuations and put the local community to the test. Among the places most affected was the Gran Paradiso campsite, which was evacuated to ensure the safety of campers. Christine Cavagnet, who runs the Herbetet hotel with her family, told ANSA about the impact of the flood and the measures taken to help the evacuees.

The Flood: A Devastating Event

Causes of the Flood

The flood that hit Valnontey was caused by an unusual wave of bad weather that brought torrential rain and the consequent overflowing of local rivers. The weather forecast had announced adverse conditions, but the intensity of the rain exceeded all expectations.

Community Impact

The community of Cogne, in particular the hamlet of Valnontey, suffered serious damage. The streets were flooded, many homes were flooded and various infrastructures were damaged. The Gran Paradiso campsite, popular with tourists and locals, had to be urgently evacuated.

Evacuation of the Gran Paradiso Campsite

Critic situation

“Last night, after the situation worsened, the Gran Paradiso campsite was evacuated,” explained Christine Cavagnet. The evacuation was necessary due to rapidly rising water levels, which made the campsite unsafe for its guests.

Evacuation Operations

The evacuation operations were conducted by local authorities with the support of law enforcement and volunteers. The guests of the campsite were transported to safety, with many of them finding refuge at the Herbetet hotel.

The Hotel Herbetet: A Safe Haven

Reception of displaced persons

Christine Cavagnet and her family showed great solidarity by welcoming about 30 people to their hotel. “In our hotel we welcomed the displaced, those we could, about 30 people,” Cavagnet said. The Herbetet hotel has become a refuge for those who temporarily lost their homes due to the flood.

Organization and Solidarity

The hotel management quickly organized the reception of the displaced people, offering them food, accommodation and moral support. The local community has shown incredible solidarity, with many residents offering help and resources to support the displaced.

The Challenges of Reconstruction

Damage Assessment

As weather conditions improve, the priority now is assessing flood damage. Local authorities, together with technicians, are inspecting the affected areas to determine the extent of the damage and plan reconstruction.

Support for Affected Families

Support for affected families is essential. Local governments are working with relief organizations to provide immediate assistance while working on long-term solutions to rebuild damaged homes and infrastructure.

Prevention of Future Disasters

Planning and Infrastructure

To prevent future disasters, it is crucial to improve urban planning and drainage infrastructure. Authorities are considering new projects to strengthen flood defences, such as widening drains and building protective barriers.

Education and Awareness

Educating the community about flood risks and safety measures is crucial. Awareness campaigns and training can help residents better prepare for future emergencies, reducing risks and improving crisis response.


The flood that hit Valnontey has highlighted the strength and solidarity of the Cogne community. The evacuation of the Gran Paradiso campsite and the welcome of the displaced at the Herbetet hotel are an example of how the community can unite in the face of adversity. As relief and reconstruction operations continue, it is essential to maintain a high focus on prevention and preparedness to ensure the safety of all residents and visitors in the future.

Bad weather in Piedmont

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