Child in the well: 10 under investigation Even the educator who lowered himself

There are 10 people under investigation for the death of little Vincenzo, who fell into an artesian well on Thursday in the countryside of Palazzolo Acreide, in the Syracuse area, but it cannot be ruled out that other people may be registered on the register of suspects. For now, it includes Pippo Giardina, president of the “Doniamo sorrisi” Foundation, linked to the Anffas of Palazzolo Acreide, who organized the excursion and is also the owner of the land where the tragedy occurred, and then there are 9 operators from the cooperative, including the 54-year-old who lowered herself to try to save the child, but failed.

Registration in the register of suspects is a necessary act in order to be able to carry out unrepeatable investigations such as the autopsy, which will be scheduled this week. The investigations by the Carabinieri of the Noto Company and the investigative unit of the Syracuse Provincial Command focus on two lines: the exact reconstruction of the dynamics of the tragedy and the technical investigations on the well, aiming at identifying any responsibilities. For the first line, the police are interviewing everyone present at the excursion. There are about twenty of them, including about ten operators. The examination of witnesses is a delicate phase, as they are mostly minors, who are interviewed with the help of a psychologist. The investigators must also ascertain what the duties of the individual operators were, divided into the surveillance of minors with and without disabilities, they will have to verify whether anyone has shirked their duty and whether this possible omission is connected or not with the death of the child. For the second line, investigations are underway on the well, in particular whether the height of the base is in compliance with the law, as is the closure which also gave way under Vincenzo’s weight. The investigations by the soldiers of the Carabinieri are further complicated due to the mystery that characterizes the story regarding the timing of the rescue and the death of the child. According to a witness, who lives near the site of the accident, “it took the rescue services to arrive at least a couple of hours”, while the firefighters of Palazzolo Acreide claim to have “reached Contrada Falabbia in just over ten minutes from distress call received from the operations room”. If the team left, as it seems, from the Command, the distance to the site of the tragedy can really be covered in about ten minutes. The witness also claims that the parents spoke to the child who was calling his mother from the bottom of the well, but this detail has not been confirmed in the investigations so far. The results of the autopsy will be helpful as they will establish with certainty the causes of the child’s death and whether, therefore, he could have been saved. «My Vincenzino, you are a rare pearl. We love you our life, our heart is shattered and our soul is black as the night my life we ​​died with you inside that damned well.” Mother Paola has posted a heartbreaking new post on Facebook with a photo of her son. Many of you write to her to make her feel their closeness. Not only friends and acquaintances, but also those who learned about the tragedy from the press. «I too am a mother suspended between earth and sky», Laura writes to her.

“A pain that a parent shouldn’t have to experience,” many write. On Friday evening hundreds of people took part in a prayer vigil and, in the Basilica of San Paolo, the parish priest dedicated a moment of remembrance to Vincenzo.

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