Elia Zeni wins the shooting competition. – Fondo Italia

Elia Zeni wins the shooting competition. – Fondo Italia
Elia Zeni wins the shooting competition. – Fondo Italia

The first summer biathlon event got underway in Frassinoro this afternoon with the Frassinoro Summer Biathlon Festival. It was Lo who opened the dance shoot-outthe shooting competition which saw women pitted against men on the shooting range in a double series of shots, first on the ground and then standing, making use of reloads to try to complete any missed targets.

For the results, however, only two things mattered: the execution time and being naturally precise; in fact, every mistake cost a penalty.

The winner of this very first test, which had a more “fun” aspect, was the Trentino rider Elia Zeniwith 52”3. The athlete of the Fiamme Gialle measured herself on the mat against her training partner Dorothea Wiererthe godmother of the event, is the best among the women in 55”35 despite some problems in the standing shot, but fourth in the “absolute” ranking. Completing the ideal podium of this first test were in fact Patrick Braunhoferin 54”10, and the Kazakh Alexandr Mukhin in 54”57.

Also in the top 5 are Austrian Dominic Unterweger, who won the duel against Polina Yegorova, and Samuela Comola who beat Estonian Kristo Siimer.

The Super Sprint will begin shortly and will take place in two phases, first with the heats and then the final.

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