today’s forecast and almanac

today’s forecast and almanac
today’s forecast and almanac

Paolo Fox’s predictions sign by sign contained in the horoscope for July 2nd and the almanac of the day, including proverbs and those born today.

Aries Horoscope: You have a strong need for news, innovations, to give a twist to your life not only at work but also in the sentimental sphere: during this week you want to define a relationship once and for all, understand what direction a relationship can take and whether it is worth continuing to insist (perhaps solving some problem or misunderstanding). Until Sunday 7 July, all days will be key, be careful with the words and decisions you make.

Taurus Horoscope: It’s time to forget the past and approach the present (and future) in a more optimistic way, as you have entered a week of inspiration and positivity! It’s time to also try new solutions with regards to practical events, in a phase in which feelings are better even if it is true that a new story will be put under pressure in the month of July. It is certainly a period of activity, play your cards well!

Gemini Horoscope: Your emotional life can develop in an exceptional way: remember, in fact, that from July 11th Venus will be very intriguing and positive towards you, helping you not only with your feelings but also to solve a work problem that has been plaguing and tormenting you for a few days. . The only thing to do, given the favorable astral situation, is not to waste time and make the most of this opportunity because it may not happen again soon.

Cancer Horoscope: You are determined, strong and inspired, qualities that will allow you to manage the next few days very well. You want redemption and to recover lost ground, the unexpected events of the last period have annoyed you a lot but in any case not discouraged you. You could follow an intuition, that little voice inside you that sheds light on a certain path, in any case it will be essential to surround yourself with pleasant, positive and favorable people. Maybe there could be a love hidden among these people…

Leo Horoscope: The more the days pass, the more favorable the planets will be: the sky in July is truly extraordinary, with many benevolent stars that will lend you a hand, a perfect scenario to bet on your projects and maybe even make some requests to improve a situation! You will have the strength to give generosity and advice to others, at a time when your work should be strengthened and you have all it takes to do it successfully.

Virgo Horoscope: Many of you are coming from a complicated period or from a drastic and painful choice, maybe a relationship that was no longer working has ended… now you will have to start from scratch but don’t worry, there is a lot of determination and also the desire to smile again. Just be careful of some excessive expenses at home, maybe for the children or a family member who needs you, which could lead you to have to do a new review of the accounts. Get in the saddle and pedal, you are the architects of your destiny!

Libra Horoscope: Grit your teeth for a little longer, after the first week of July many things will finally return to balance; it is true that the last few days have been heavy and tiring, both physically and psychologically, but the worst is passing and you will be able to start again soon (even if not necessarily at full speed). There are also those who cannot detach themselves from a difficult past and suffer more, it is necessary to get to work to begin a new phase of life!

Scorpio Horoscope: A slightly agitated Moon in a strange position could play tricks on you, especially in love or with the people with whom you have the most intense relationships: it will take a lot of patience with your partner, who has perhaps been with you for a month. moving away for reasons X which will have to be managed carefully and setting off a small alarm bell. Some reports may have come up for review, or at least you should ask yourself what’s wrong and address the problem!

Sagittarius Horoscope: It’s time to push the accelerator when it comes to work: this is an important, potentially decisive and above all lucky week if you have to sign an agreement, make a pact and improve your professional situation. It is a period that brings good news but not only at work, singles have excellent chances of meeting the right person and perhaps starting a new relationship. Take advantage of everything to go and get what you want!

Capricorn Horoscope: At this moment you have more planets opposed than favorable, which translates into criticism and “closed doors” but you must not be discouraged because it is only a temporary period. Losing one or more battles does not mean that you will come out defeated from the “war” and in the end, thanks to a sky that will return favorable and to your great determination, you will be the ones to triumph. Do not get bitter even in love, manage things with diplomacy and everything will be fine!

Aquarius Horoscope: You are quite intolerant, especially if you have been doing the same things for a long time and boredom is overwhelming you. A wave of changes regarding work will break this phase of monotony and little stimulation, with good opportunities on the horizon and that sparkle you were looking for to smile again. Be careful with money because there could be changes that are not always accepted in a benevolent way, keep your finances under control and above all control of the situation.

Pisces Horoscope: You don’t have to think back to the problems of a month ago and go back into oblivion, that period is now over (and even if it has left some consequences) and it’s time to let yourself be carried away by your imagination to develop a new beautiful project. Try to broaden your circle of knowledge, in order to increase your chances of success, and you will see that opportunities will arise not only at work. Interesting encounters even in love, don’t lock yourself in the house…

Almanac of July 2nd

Saint of the day: San Bernardino

Proverb: If it is not hot in July and August, the must will be sad.

Born today

  • Alba Antonella Parietti – Italian television presenter, commentator and actress. She starred in various films in various roles including 1991’s Abbronzatissimi with Eva Grimaldi and Jerry Calà. You hosted Alballoscuro on La 7 (2 July 1961)
  • Ashley Michelle Tisdale – American actress, singer-songwriter and model (July 2, 1985)
  • Margot Robbie – Australian actress (July 2, 1990)
  • Raffaele Vannoli – Italian actor (July 2, 1971)
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