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Ex Ilva dispute, the meeting at the ministry is another flop

Ex Ilva dispute, the meeting at the ministry is another flop
Ex Ilva dispute, the meeting at the ministry is another flop

Assumptions and sensations let one foresee it: the interlocutory meeting held in Rome at the Ministry of Labor between unions and the top management of that enormous management matryoshka represented by Acciaierie d’Italia is only the beginning of yet another epic of the ex-Ilva dispute.

Loris Scarpa, national coordinator for the steel industry of Fiom, Valerio D’Alò, national secretary of Fim, Guglielmo Gambardella, national secretary of Uilm and Francesco Rizzo and Sasha Colautti for the confederal executive of Usb, all present, did not approve the redundancy fund plan. They denounce the lack of an industrial plan, of guarantees for workers, see the wage integration to the cigs, as well as those on the bridging loan from the government of 320 million not yet unblocked. The numbers of the redundancy fund procedure have almost doubled say the unions in unison, at the same time raising questions about the disastrous scenario, never really addressed, of the contract workers. Uncertainty, improvisation, no industrial relaunch plan emerges and, needless to say, not even remotely is the environmental issue considered, in the aftermath of what was expressed by the European Court of Justice.

Far from the worried tones of the organizations, the response of the management of Acciaierie d’Italia in Extraordinary Administration, which reassures and speaks of a positive and constructive climate: «During the meeting, important issues emerged from the trade unions that the management of Acciaierie d’Italia in Extraordinary Administration will commit to resolving, underlining the total availability to find shared solutions with the trade unions», referring to hypothetical «important in-person training packages».

To recap, the former Ilva commissioners have requested redundancy payments for 5,200 employees. Of these, 4,400 refer to the Taranto plants alone, a city on the brink of an economic and social emergency, 800 to Genoa, 245 to Novi Ligure (Alessandria), 25 to Racconigi (Cuneo), 20 to Legnaro (Padua), 40 to Marghera (Venice), 50 to Milan, and 20 to Paderno Dugnano (Milan). The management has passed the ball back to the stands, leaving it clear that the outcome of the affair is still far off, concluding its press release with the following: «The national union representatives have informed the table that their confederal structures have requested a meeting with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers regarding future prospects and the relaunch of Acciaierie d’Italia. The representative of the Ministry of Labor confirmed that further meetings will be scheduled on the subject of redundancy payments, with a view to reaching a shared agreement.”

Everything, once again, postponed: until the trade unions are received at Palazzo Chigi and by the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, it will be difficult to seriously address the issue.

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