opening “Fire and lava” by Antonio Scafuri

opening “Fire and lava” by Antonio Scafuri
opening “Fire and lava” by Antonio Scafuri

From July 4th to 7th the spotlight will be on the Premio Carpine Visciano, the international festival dedicated to short films, which has reached its 13th edition. The event, organized by the Pro Loco Viscianese and the municipal administration, will be held in the suggestive monumental complex of Santa Maria Consolatrice del Carpinello.

The Carpine award confirms itself as an excellence with a national scope, a prestigious festival which this year broke every record with 530 entries from all over the world. This is also stated by the artistic director of the festival, Carmine Rufino, who exalts «the authorial and directorial aspect which has reached very high levels, approaching more complex and articulated cinematographic productions». Among the participants stand out names of the caliber of Nicola Piovani, Massimiliano Caiazzo, Giorgio Haber, Mariagrazia Cucinotta, Gabriel Garko, Francesco Di Leva.

For this reason, the event could only be opened by an artistic excellence who grew up in that area. In fact, singer-songwriter Antonio Scafuri will inaugurate the award on Thursday 4 July with the show-concert “Fuoco ‘e lava”: a journey through music, theatre, narration and homage between tradition and current affairs. A mantric journey that stages a journey of destruction, reflection and rebirth in which the succession of various performances create a journey between the roots and nuances of the human soul. Written by Antonio Scafuri and directed by him together with director Antonio Lippiello, “Fuoco ‘e lava” will feature Francesco Rastiello on keyboard and synths, Sandro Amato on voice and guitar, Felice Mercogliano on drums and Antonio Lippiello’s monologues. Also present in the show is the Neapolitan singer-songwriter Nes (acronym for Carmen Saccone) who signed the single “Si nun ce staje tu” with Scafuri a few weeks ago.

The award will continue on day 5 with the screening of “Charlie Chaplin”, by the company “Il Demiurgo”, to arrive on Saturday 6 where the screening of the finalist short films is scheduled, during which the public will transform into a Popular Jury. The festival will then conclude on Sunday 7 July with the Grand Gala Award Ceremony, together with the media partner group of the Giornale Avvenire and the live TV broadcast of Videonola and TG3. For the last evening, the presence of Artem, of “Mare Fuori”, and again of the actors Mario Di Leva, Miriam Candurro, Mario Autore, Denise Capezza, Cristina Moglia, Nicola Pistoia is expected.

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