TARANTO CELEBRATES A HISTORIC ACHIEVEMENT” – PugliaLive – Online information daily

TARANTO CELEBRATES A HISTORIC ACHIEVEMENT” – PugliaLive – Online information daily
TARANTO CELEBRATES A HISTORIC ACHIEVEMENT” – PugliaLive – Online information daily

Simultaneous docking of two cruise ships in our Port: first time in history for a city increasingly appreciated as a tourist destination in the Mediterranean. The applause of the Municipal Administration to the Port Authority, the Harbour Master’s Office and the port services


The doubts expressed by those who, searching for the classic “nitpick”, still do not consider Taranto capable of being one of the most popular tourist destinations in the entire Mediterranean were swept away yesterday. A truly memorable day for the Ionian capital and its port, where for the first time in the history of the port, two magnificent cruise ships of great tonnage, the “Fascinosa” of Costa Crociere and the “Mein Schiff 5” of TUI , docked at the same time at the San Cataldo Pier, disembarking around six thousand tourists in a city ready to welcome them to make known its natural beauty and its priceless historical and cultural heritage. The satisfaction of the municipal administration was great and through its mayor, Rinaldo Melucci, wanted to express its applause for an achievement that until a few years ago was only little more than a wish.

This event -the mayor declared- it is the result of a joint commitment and the great synergy between the Ionian Sea Port System Authority (AdSP), the Port Authority and the Technical-Nautical Services, who worked together to coordinate the activities necessary to make this double landing possible . Special thanks also go to the company that managed the finalized extraordinary maintenance intervention to restore the seabed levels for the simultaneous reception of the two units and to all the companies and workers who contributed to this success.

The Municipality of Taranto – continued the mayor – recognizes the importance of this moment for the future of tourism and the economic development of the city. The simultaneous arrival of the two cruise ships not only increases the attractiveness of our Port, but also strengthens its role as a cruise destination in the Mediterranean.

With the future implementation of further infrastructural interventions, such as the retreat of the eastern gate, the San Cataldo Pier and the surrounding area will become even more welcoming and attractive, offering new opportunities for tourists and improving the quality of life of Taranto citizens, the all confirming the great bond between the Port and the city. Meanwhile, in order to take stock of the situation on cruise services, we will hold a round table on Friday 5 July in which the Port Authority and the Port Authority will also participate.

We, as an Administration – concluded Mayor Melucci- we are proud to support and celebrate these significant developments, but above all we are committed to continuing to work in the wake of a transformation process which, by focusing on environmental sustainability and the regeneration of the social, urban and cultural fabric of the city, will have to contribute to increasing the international dimension of the city of Taranto.”

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