Port dismissals, mayor Midili asks for an urgent table – Today Milazzo

Port dismissals, mayor Midili asks for an urgent table – Today Milazzo
Port dismissals, mayor Midili asks for an urgent table – Today Milazzo

The increasingly concrete risk that the last port workers working within the Mamertine port will be fired has led the mayor Pippo Midili to immediately ask for the opening of a discussion table with the Port System Authority, to discuss the fate of the nine employees at risk of their jobs, but also to address the problem linked to the future of the entire port area.

The mayor also addressed regional and national deputies, asking for “a concrete commitment on this reality”, and for the president of the Region Renato Schifani to nominate “within the control room of the Port System Authority of the Strait, a Milazzo resident to represent the Region, considering that Milazzo, which economically supports the rest of the system, has been excluded from it by national legislation”.

«We are ready for any action to defend employment and territory – he states Midili –. In the port of Milazzo, from the advent of the Port Authority to today, the jobs lost among the people employed at the commercial dock are over 40. The absence of a city, regional and national policy, on facts that for me represent a serious attack on the local economy and on the prospects for future development, has until now passively suffered incomprehensible decisions. No one thinks or hypothesizes to lose even a single job in absolute silence. There are ways and methods to intervene and provide employment opportunities and continuation of work and perhaps even to increase the workforce. Let’s not make it a numerical issue, because the nine citizens of Milazzo who risk losing their jobs for me are equally important compared to the 200 of Cagliari or the same number of various port structures in which decisive intervention has been made. Milazzo pays the price of the presence of a heavy industry that with the taxes paid to the System Authority keeps the economy of other ports alive, while here everything is dying. From the never re-determined prices that have distanced any type of commercial exchange, to the Banchina XX Luglio that still remains stationary after various and many proclamations to the outsourcing of services without ever taking into account the internal employment realities that have been lost. Now that’s enough”.

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