Disproportionate increases in gas bills by Enel Energia: Codici writes to parliamentarians

Disproportionate increases in gas bills by Enel Energia: Codici writes to parliamentarians
Disproportionate increases in gas bills by Enel Energia: Codici writes to parliamentarians

Codici asks MPs to intervene on bill increases

In a letter sent to Italian Parliamentarians, the association Codici draws attention to the recent disproportionate increases in gas bills by Enel Energia, while expressing concern about the position of Arera, the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment.

“Many consumers – says Ivano Giacomelli, National Secretary of Codici – have seen their gas bills increase dramatically, in some cases up to five times compared to the same period of the previous year. These increases were applied without adequate warning, leaving users without the possibility of preparing or contesting in a timely manner. The information provided to consumers regarding contractual changes was often insufficient and unclear. This prevented customers from exercising their right of withdrawal in an informed and timely manner”.

In addition to concerns about bill increases, in the letter addressed to Italian Parliamentarians, the Codici association expressed fears regarding Arera’s consultation 200/2024. “We fear that the proposed measures are not sufficiently incisive to combat abusive practices by energy companies,” Giacomelli observes, “and that they could favor companies to the detriment of consumers.”

In light of this serious and worrying situation, the Codici association has made the following requests to the Parliamentarians to ensure greater consumer protection:

· Transparency in communications: contractual changes must be communicated clearly and completely;

– Evidence of receipt of communications: companies must provide evidence of receipt of communications by consumers;

– Sanctions for incorrect practices: rigorous sanctions must be adopted for companies that violate the rules of transparency and correctness;

– Consumer protection: new regulations must ensure that consumers can make informed and informed decisions.

“It is essential that energy market regulations are balanced and protect consumers from unfair commercial practices,” Giacomelli concludes. “We invite Parliamentarians to support these requests and to ensure that Arera adopts effective measures to protect consumer rights.”

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