Paolo Fox horoscope for June 28th and almanac of the day

Paolo Fox horoscope for June 28th and almanac of the day
Paolo Fox horoscope for June 28th and almanac of the day

Paolo Fox’s predictions sign by sign contained in the horoscope of June 28 and the almanac of the day, including proverbs and those born today.

Aries Horoscope: The Moon active in this sign stimulates and teases “particular” confrontations, not exactly settling scores but exchanges of opinions (especially in love) that could become particularly incandescent: be careful with your words and check if there is still feeling between you and the person you share your life with! As if that were not enough, Venus, Mercury and the Sun in a complicated aspect invite you to observe and plan rather than act, things will get better with the arrival of July so be patient a little longer!

Taurus Horoscope: If you have to close a deal or an important negotiation, try to do everything within these 24 hours, you are in the midst of the life review phase but the first obstacles are starting to arrive … among these the stubbornness and intransigence that sometimes condition you too much! Lately you have realized that you have taken some positions a little exaggerated and you do not want to make the same mistakes. Good period in love, especially those separated or those who are recovering from the end of a relationship and thought they would never fall in love again: in life never say never!

Gemini Horoscope: The excitement of the last 24 hours is now behind us, it’s time to prepare a plan of attack because new interesting prospects are being prepared! You could also continue the collaborations currently active, with the same group and the same objectives, but the month of July will show you that your availability is changing as well as the programs and projects related to them must evolve. In love, separated people only want part-time relationships or adventures without commitment, it’s not yet the time to dive back into a real story.

Cancer Horoscope: You are charged and determined, you should make the most of this day especially in love: Venus in your favor will help you both in new acquaintances, given the great charm you emanate, and in taking important steps within the couple, redeeming a really complicated April and in which you risked losing the relationship. If you have to clarify something in the family, it is better to talk in these 24 hours and not go further, Saturday and Sunday will be harder days …

Leo Horoscope: A recovery phase begins with regards to study and work: you can finally get back on track and recover from the strong stress of the last period, as well as giving respite to a body that is particularly tired and left without energy! The worst is behind us, now we must look with optimism and positivity to a month of July which promises to be interesting and with many stars in favor. General growth is around the corner as well as new challenges await you on the horizon, you just have to “jump into the fray” and show off your qualities!

Virgo Horoscope: You too, like your Leo friends, are heading towards a positive July but before that you are entering an interesting weekend: the Moon is no longer opposite and helps you close the latest situations that have stressed you too much or that you have had to passively endure . Your proverbial ability to concentrate is returning, essential for seizing all the opportunities and getting back on the crest of the wave (which is where you want to be)! Just pay attention to some family issues that could lead to arguments, especially if they concern the lives of children or relatives.

Libra Horoscope: Day to be taken with a pinch of salt due to the opposite Moon; you haven’t been feeling well for a few hours now, you’re distracted and not very concentrated (at times even listless), someone is thinking of unplugging for a while but then feels guilty for the “time they would waste”… what makes you so restless? Perhaps the fact that you feel exploited by someone and that you are not getting what you really deserve. React by doing something fun with your favorite people, banish the melancholy and know that it’s all just in your head!

Scorpio Horoscope: The last few weeks should have brought some clarity from a sentimental point of view, if you are running a lot you would do well to slow down (or even stop) to savor and appreciate what you are doing. The importance of enjoying “the journey” to get to your destination should never be underestimated, do not focus only on the goal but also on how you are reaching it. Possible reconciliations with old enemies, but be careful in love where you should never take your partner for granted!

Sagittarius Horoscope: It’s true that you have suffered wrongs lately but now you have understood how to put them behind you, forget them and start again to pursue what you want! Indeed, it is precisely by not caring about those who hinder you that you show superiority, pay attention only to gossip (perhaps false, created specifically) which could give rise to misunderstandings or inappropriate chatter about you… You have to get back into physical shape because you are not very top-notch, d Moreover, you have just come out of a difficult period. Not everyone is on your side but in some moments it is better to observe and postpone action until later.

Capricorn Horoscope: You have gone through moments of great tension, in some cases even fleeting victories or unsatisfactory results: you certainly have to recover but, even though it will seem like you are living endless days, don’t put too much pressure on yourself otherwise you will enter an endless tunnel… also because you have made some progress and you’ve made progress since you left, so don’t be overly critical and hard on yourself. Instead, try to plan something nice and relaxing for the weekend, the key word of the weekend must be “calm”.

Aquarius Horoscope: Love in the foreground in this period, in particular eros which is rekindled and reawakens passion both in stable couples and in romantic adventures. carpe diem. In May you lost the desire and will to love, now it has been unlocked and you want to enjoy everything! All new relationships are harmonious, even the working ones and in this regard if you are thinking of making a professional proposal you could be satisfied shortly. Good news in the next few days, a little more patience and you will have something to celebrate.

Pisces Horoscope: The Moon in your sign helps you recover from the waste of the last few days, especially in love where there has been a sort of emotional earthquake. In reality, things have changed since June 17th, the mood is more positive and you seem to be experiencing a phase of rebirth and change. There have been many disappointments and separations lately, perhaps too many, but your strength has supported you, making you overcome everything and preparing you for a great rise.

Almanac of June 28th

Saint of the day: Saint Attilio

Proverb: June water ruins the miller

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