No Peace No Panel, meeting in the Senate for plural information on wars

Appeal to give space in the media to those who propose paths of peace

Giving voice to peacebuilders and all those who express a different thought with respect to ongoing conflicts, this was the leitmotif of “No Peace No Panel”, the meeting held on 25 June in the chapter room of the Senate and promoted by the sen . Barbara Floridia, president of the Rai Supervisory Commission and coordinated by the journalist Max Brod. The conference was attended by a delegation from the National Council of the Order led by president Carlo Bartoli, with vice president Angelo Baiguini and national secretary Paola Spadari.

The sen. Floridia has announced that she will propose to the Supervisory Commission an act of direction so that the public service guarantees the right balance in information spaces, also giving voice to those who propose to propose paths of peace with respect to the conflicts in progress.

Bartoli illustrated the numerous positions taken by the Order for correct and complete information on war scenarios. “War is the enemy of truth” – the president remarked, recalling how journalists are targets in battle zones and how it is necessary to avoid reducing the story to a sort of video game or an aseptic narration where human tragedies and the devastation of battles disappear.

There are many experiences and ideas from journalists who have been in the field or who deal in various capacities with international information, all underlining the need to guarantee balance and diversity of points of view in the reporting of wars. Monica Pietrangeli, Usigrai executive, spoke on these topics; Vittorio Di Trapani, president of FNSI; Beppe Giulietti, Articolo21 with a video message; Roberto Zuccolini, Community of Sant’Egidio; Enzo Nucci, former Rai correspondent; Christian Ferrari, CGIL national secretariat; Matteo Pucciarelli, La Repubblica; Manuele Bonaccorsi, cdr In-depth analysis; Francesco Vignarca, Campaign Coordinator of the Italian Peace and Disarmament Network, Simona Maggiorelli, Left director, Lucia Goracci, Tg3 correspondent.

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