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Iren fires Signorini for “just objective cause” for the Liguria case

Iren fires Signorini for “just objective cause” for the Liguria case
Iren fires Signorini for “just objective cause” for the Liguria case

Iren fires Paolo Signorini for “just objective cause” in relation to the investigation which led to an earthquake in Ligurian politics. The Board of Directors of Iren SpA, in today’s meeting, “taking into account the investigation conducted both by the Remuneration and Appointments Committee (also in its capacity as Committee for Related Party Transactions) and by the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee, has resolved the dismissal of Paolo Signorini for objective just cause, as a consequence of the objective incompatibility of Signorini’s work performance, as Top Manager of Iren SpA, with the contingent situation that has arisen”. This is what we read in a company note.

“The precautionary custody measures undertaken against Dr. Signorini on 7 May 2024, connected to the ongoing investigations of the Genoa Public Prosecutor’s Office and confirmed also after the requests made by his defence, cause animpossibility, now irreversible and no longer just temporary, of exercising his functions as Top Manager. As regards the economic elements, the disbursement of sums of money in relation to the termination of the fixed-term employment relationship before the expiry of the term is not envisaged. Furthermore, all the instruments for protecting the rights and prerogatives of the Company remain intact, as they have already been reminded to the market and shareholders in the specific supplementary report pursuant to art. 125-quater TUF approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 30 May 2024″.

“The Board of Directors confirmed the current organizational configuration approved in the extraordinary meeting of 7 May: the group is directed and coordinated by the Executive President and the Executive Vice President, to whom the delegations and powers previously assigned to the former Administrator have been attributed Delegate. Dr. Signorini does not appear to hold Iren shares”.

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