the purchase proposal from Metalcoat was expected yesterday

the purchase proposal from Metalcoat was expected yesterday
the purchase proposal from Metalcoat was expected yesterday

ASCOLI The purchase proposal from the Bergamo company Metalcoat to Ascoli Calcio was expected yesterday evening. However, this proposal has not arrived because it has been postponed by a few days, some details are still being evaluated on what will then be the offer or proposal that will be forwarded to the current owner, Massimo Pulcinelli.

The wait is prolonged

So we still have a few days to wait to understand if Ascoli will have a new owner or will remain in the hands of the current one, at this point nothing seems obvious anymore. But it should be remembered that a situation like this is not so particular because it has already happened in the past when Ascoli was sold by the pharmaceutical industrialist Francesco Bellini to Massimo Pulcinelli. On that occasion, however, the negotiation had already begun some time ago and concluded in mid-July and until the last minute the transfer had been in the balance given that there was also another probable buyer. The battle was then won by Bricofer and from there the new Juventus journey began, it was July 2018. Even then, despite the tight deadlines, there was the possibility to build the new team, organize the new championship, but that time Ascoli was playing in Serie B, it had saved itself in the playout playoffs against Entella. So a few more days to carefully evaluate how to present the proposal and consequently wait for the response of the current owner who for his part will have to evaluate and then decide. As we have repeated several times, then the real negotiation will begin.

It’s difficult to make assumptions

It is impossible to make any assumptions at the moment because in situations like this everything can change at any moment. It is clear that Metalcoat wants to make its assessments before diving into this new experience, also based on the debt to be treated and filed down. Pulcinelli, who intends to sell, still wants to evaluate the offer and make the decision that is most suitable for him. We will see if in the end an agreement will be reached and the transfer of the shares. Let us remember that Ascoli is covered for the most part by Ferinvest, a company affiliated with Bricofer, and then there are the shares of Cedibi, another company affiliated with the Pulcinelli family company, which acquired those of Distretti Ecologici a few months ago. Which means that Pulcinelli holds 90% of Ascoli Calcio, the remaining 10% is still in the hands of Rabona Mobil, which should soon leave, given that it has not participated in the club’s activities for some time.

Disoriented environment

In short, everything is still up in the air with a disoriented environment also due to the lack of official communications that we hope will be there when the proposal is formulated. In the meantime, the fans are waiting to understand if there will be a corporate change or if things will stay as they are. The hot summer at Ascoli has just begun, to tell the truth it began before the championship ended when the name of the Bergamo company emerged and subsequently the hypothesis of a purchase proposal was aired. This hypothesis has been going on for weeks, now that it seemed close it has only slipped by a few days but this does not mean that it is not there. At this point, all that remains is to wait for events.


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