MUD 2024: last day to send the Environmental Declaration Model

MUD 2024: last day to send the Environmental Declaration Model
MUD 2024: last day to send the Environmental Declaration Model

The Prime Ministerial Decree containing the new law has been published in the Official Journal MUD (Single Environmental Declaration Model), which expiration sending date is set for June 30th (which, being Sunday, is postponed

Il July 1st 2024 marks the last deadline to submit the new MUD (Single Environmental Declaration Model), which this year features numerous innovations in compliance with the new sector regulations.

=> Download the 2024 MUD Model

Environmental Declaration: who presents the Single Model

The Single Environmental Declaration Model (MUD) serves to communicate the waste produced by economic activities, that collected and transported, that disposed of and sent for recovery.

The MUD must be transmitted by the obligated subjects to the Environmental Declaration:

  • anyone who collects and transports waste (including producers of hazardous waste);
  • waste traders and intermediaries without detention;
  • companies and entities that carry out waste recovery and disposal operations;
  • consortia and systems recognized for the recovery and recycling of packaging and particular types of waste;
  • companies and entities that initially produce hazardous waste;
  • companies and entities that employ more than ten employees and are initial producers of non-hazardous (special) waste referred to in article 184, paragraph 3, letters c), d) and g), i.e. “waste produced in the context of industrial or artisanal processes, waste deriving from the recovery and disposal of waste, sludge produced by purification and other water treatments and wastewater purification, as well as waste from the abatement of fumes, from septic tanks and sewer systems”;
  • managers of organised collection circuits, for waste delivered by producers of special waste;
  • managers of the integrated urban waste management service;
  • manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment identified by Legislative Decree 49/2014.

The following Communications must be submitted exclusively electronically: Waste; End of life vehicles; Waste from electrical and electronic equipment; Packaging, Consortia section; Packaging, packaging waste management section.

MUD 2024: what’s new in the Model

Based on the new provisions contained in the Prime Ministerial Decree, it is mandatory to report data on waste fishing gear (as required by EU Decision 2021/958), also by type (plastic, metals and rubber), and update the calculation methodologies (based on ARERA resolution 363/2021/R/RIF and resolution no. 2 DRIF/2021 ). To this end, specific sections have been implemented.

Other innovations start from the assumption that the Declaration presented by Consortia, Mountain communities and Union of Municipalities must be filled out using a single form MDCR total.

The latest news concerns the section relating to communication on packagingupdated according to the latest regulations on the subject.

Sending Communications: EcoCamere software

Unioncamere has published all the software and procedures for completing and sending the 2024 MUD.

And portals

  • portal for sending communications on waste, WEEE, end-of-life vehicles, packaging (
  • portal for sending urban waste and waste collected under agreement ( ;
  • WEEE compilation portal (;
  • simplified communication compilation portal (

I software

  • software for compiling communications for waste, packaging, end-of-life vehicles, WEEE (in the MUD section of the EcoCamere portal and on the MUD Telematico website;
  • software for checking declarations sent by subjects who use products other than Unioncamere’s.
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