a 9.8 million tender to purchase tools to protect homes

Almost 10 million euros to help residents in the areas affected by the 2023 floods to purchase protection tools to be used in the event of further floods. The Territory commission chaired by Stefano Caliandro gave a favorable opinion to the council’s proposal to allocate, through a tender, the last tranche (over 9.8 million euros) from the fundraising activated on 18 May 2023 to flood victims.

The resources are used for the purchase of self-protection products to be placed adjacent to doors or windows of homes intended to prevent the entry of water, mud and sewage inside homes in the event of floods or other types of events adverse events, as well as devices such as non-return valves. The properties subject to the intervention, for which the purchase and installation of the aforementioned devices are requested, as of May 1, 2023, had to be intended as the main residence of the owner requesting the contribution. The announcement will be available to residents of the Provinces of Reggio-Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Ferrara, Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini for whose territories a state of emergency has been declared in consideration of the adverse weather conditions, which as of May 1st 2023, were owners of residential properties as their main residence.

“After the funds for those who lost their cars, those for the Municipalities to help people in difficulty and the resources for businesses, we are also releasing the last resources arriving from free donations”, explains the budget councilor Paolo Calvano. Netto Massimiliano Pompignoli (Lega) who underlined how the council is exploiting the flood issue and asking for clarity on how many maximum resources each citizen will be able to receive. “No controversy, no exploitation”, replies Calvano who announced that there will be study groups to decide the methods of disbursement of resources and that in any case there will be a maximum per capita limit on funds so as to allow the greatest number of people to access the allocation of resources.

“The Territory Commission has followed the flood issue seriously and carefully given the impact it has had on people’s lives: it is a great result that the resources deriving from liberal donations are allocated to those who have suffered damage”, explains the president Caliandro.

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this