the city moves to the center-right

Macerata, 24 June 2024 – Il new mayor of Recanti And Emanuele Pepa (centre-right) who beat the outgoing mayor Antonio Bravi. He won with 57.90% (5,835 votes), Bravi stopped at 42.10% (4,243 votes). In the second round 50.37% of eligible citizens went to vote, in the first round 57.83%.

Emanuele Pepa (centre-right) is the new mayor of Recanati: he beat the outgoing mayor Antonio Bravi (centre-left). Photo Calavita

The results of the Marche ballots

Well done (who during the first round had stopped at 27.6% of valid votes), was supported by Pd, Movimento 5 Stelle, ‘Recanati Insieme – Well done Mayor’, ‘Valore Futuro’ and ‘Idee in Comune’, and Emanuele Pepa (which had reached 46.82% of preferences), supported by Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia, UdC, ‘For a Better Recanati’ and ‘in Comune’.

Emanuele Pepa (centre-right) is the new mayor of Recanati: party for supporters (photo Calavita)

Emanuele Pepa (centre-right) is the new mayor of Recanati: party for supporters (photo Calavita)

Congratulations from Confartigianato

Confartigianato express “the most sincere congratulations to Emanuele Pepa for his appointment as Mayor of Recanati. This important achievement represents a well-deserved recognition of his commitment and abilities and we had no doubts that a project like his could be shared by the citizens.” Thus a note from the general secretary and the territorial president of Confartigianato Giorgio Menichelli Enzo Mengoni.

“Emanuele is grew up in Confartigianato, a great training ground for the ruling class not only at a working level, but also at a political and social level and which has always been committed to cultivating talent and promoting leaders who know how to combine competence, passion and a spirit of service towards the community. As our Deputy Vice President, as well as Regional President of Confartigianato, he has always demonstrated an extraordinary dedication to our territory and a profound closeness to local businesses”. “His long experience within the Association, combined with his knowledge of the needs and challenges of the entrepreneurial fabric, he will undoubtedly be – it is said in a note from the Organization – great advantage for the city of Recanati”.

Ballot in Recanati: the result live

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