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Borgo del Maglio di Ome: fundraising begins after the flood of June 9th

Borgo del Maglio di Ome: fundraising begins after the flood of June 9th
Borgo del Maglio di Ome: fundraising begins after the flood of June 9th

Borgo del Maglio di Ome: fundraising begins after the flood of June 9th.

After the flood of June 9th

A fundraiser is underway for the historic Borgo del Maglio, recently renovated following the damage caused by the flood of 9 June.

“I am helping my community raise funds to help the historic site of Borgo del Maglio, located in Ome, in the province of Brescia, recover from the damage suffered during an unprecedented flood that hit the area on June 9th.”

“The entire site – writes the organizer of the collection on GoFundMe, Enrica Quartini – had just reopened to the public after a year-long renovation. The damage caused by the flood represents a particularly burdensome and costly obstacle to the resumption of activity”.

“Entering the main door of the Maglio – he says – is like taking a leap into the 1400s: from observing every original manual and mechanical instrument, to listening to the rhythmic sound of the mallet and the hammers that shape the iron into objects; from the smell of burning coal embers in the forge, to the pungent coolness of the internal temperature.”

Borgo del Maglio di Ome hit by flood

“On the night of June 9th – Enrica continues – the water rose between 0.5 and 2 meters in all the buildings, breaking through the wooden bulkheads as well as the doors and windows, damaging the transmission shaft of the forge and the hammer, putting at risk the lives of the residents who live in the Borgo, killing the animals they raised and destroying their harvest this year”.

“When the waters receded,” he continues, “they left behind several centimetres of mud and extensive damage to the two museums, the Bed & Breakfast and the residential buildings.”

“There are tens of thousands of euros of damages – he explains – that the Borgo community must face just to clean, sanitize and make fully usable the public and private spaces hit by the flood”.

“There is damage to the hammer and forge that requires immediate repairs to make all equipment completely safe,” it reads, “and an urgent need to replace appliances for both residents and the Yellow House, who are currently unable to store food, as well as purchasing dehumidifiers to help dry out walls, floors and furniture.”

“Finally – writes the organizer, who lists the items of expenditure that will be addressed in the text of the collection – depending on how many funds we manage to collect, we hope to be able to address projects that have been repeatedly put aside over the years due to lack of funds and the ever-pressing need to give priority to more urgent restorations”.

The fundraising, which has now reached 3,600 euros, can be reached at the link

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