Sinnai: primary school wins gold medal in nutrition education competition

The Sinnai primary school won the “Mò and Nini for the planet” competition, the final stage of the “Monini” food education project for the school, which in 10 years has involved 900 thousand students throughout Italy. Sardinia’s participation in the 2023-24 edition is extensive. A special game of the goose plus a multiple choice quiz game to learn, in a fun way, good eating habits, the importance of the Mediterranean Diet and its healthy condiments. It is the original work that earned the 3°E and 3°F of the Sinnai Primary School in Sinnai winning the competition – Mò and Nini for the planet – final stage of food and environmental education project promoted by Monini in collaboration with La Fabbrica and the Gribaudo publishing house. A project to which Sardinia has joined with conviction with thirty schools involved. The winner will receive a 1,000 euro shopping voucher for educational material and a supply of Monini extra virgin olive oil.

The topic, which has great value for a Made in Italy food company like Monini, is also of great relevance and social relevance: according to data from the Ministry of Health today over 3 million people suffer from disorders of nutrition (there were around 300 thousand 20 years ago) and in the last 3 years new cases have more than doubled. It is mainly adolescents who are affected, but unfortunately the onset is increasingly earlier. The data on the overweight and obesitywith approx 20% of children between 8 and 9 years old are overweight and almost 10% are obese according to a recent study by “Okkio alla Salute”, the national surveillance system coordinated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS).

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