A public meeting to address the issue of hard drugs: the request of Palazzolo’s Democratic Party to Mayor Gallo

A public meeting to address the issue of hard drugs: the request of Palazzolo’s Democratic Party to Mayor Gallo
A public meeting to address the issue of hard drugs: the request of Palazzolo’s Democratic Party to Mayor Gallo

We have received and published the letter sent by the Democratic Party of Palazzolo Acreide to the mayor Salvatore Gallo regarding the proposal for an initiative on the topic of drugs following some recent events that occurred in the town.

“The Palazzolo Acreide Democratic Party club wishes to bring to your attention a situation of growing concern in the Lenza district. We learned with great concern the facts recounted in a letter from a private citizen, resident in the Lenza district, which the opposition councilor Francesco Magro read during the last municipal council. The letter talks about phenomena of violence, noise, disturbance of public peace, acts of vandalism, theft, intimidation and threats towards citizens who have dared to complain. These phenomena appear to be aggravated by the use of crack cocaine by some residents and the presence of drug dealing activities.

Aware of the complexity and gravity of the situation, we believe it is essential that your Administration works to organize an initiative that addresses the issue of hard drugs, with particular reference to crack, and their devastating effects on the social and individual fabric. We therefore propose the organization of a conference or public meeting involving sector experts, social workers, law enforcement agencies and institutional representatives. On this occasion, existing problems could be analyzed and possible solutions discussed.

The Palazzolo Acreide Democratic Party club is available to collaborate in the organization of this event, and to identify and contact the professionals and representatives of the institutions to be invited. We believe that the participation of His Excellency the Prefect would be particularly significant, given the relevance of the topic and the urgency of concrete responses to the growing concerns of citizens.

We trust in your sensitivity towards these issues and hope that our proposal will be favorably received. We look forward to your kind feedback and are available for a meeting to discuss the organizational details.”

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