Cistern / The thresher catches fire, a worker is seriously burned

Cistern / The thresher catches fire, a worker is seriously burned
Cistern / The thresher catches fire, a worker is seriously burned

CISTERNA – A serious accident at work occurred yesterday afternoon in Cisterna di Latina, in a plot of land along the Appia, at kilometer 58+500. A man was working in the fields with a thresher when a short circuit caused by the batteries started a fire. In a few moments, the flames engulfed the agricultural vehicle and the person who was using it, causing serious burns to the worker.

The fire broke out shortly after 4pm, transforming the workplace into a fire trap. A colleague of the injured man, who arrived on site aboard a tractor, promptly reacted, managing to pull the man out of the flames and raise the alarm. The colleague’s courage and quick action avoided even more tragic consequences.

Immediately, several emergency teams were mobilized to provide aid to the injured person and put out the fire, which in the meantime had become large. The Florida Care group ambulance quickly arrived on site to offer first aid to the man, who suffered serious burns. Given the severity of the injuries, the intervention of an air ambulance was requested for urgent transport to a specialized facility.

At the same time, several fire brigade teams intervened to contain and extinguish the flames. The groups of volunteers from the Passo Genovese Civil Protections and the Cisterna Fire Brigade on leave worked alongside them. Their joint action prevented the fire from spreading further, making the area safe.

This accident once again raises the issue of safety at work, especially in the agricultural sector where the use of heavy and complex machinery is daily. It is essential that all equipment is subject to regular checks and maintenance to prevent technical failures such as short circuits. Additionally, ongoing worker training on emergency protocols can make a difference in critical situations.

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