lawyer, divorced, father of 3 children. «With him an adolescent love»

lawyer, divorced, father of 3 children. «With him an adolescent love»
lawyer, divorced, father of 3 children. «With him an adolescent love»

Stefania Orlando she is in love again. Because love has no age, it has no time. She thought she could no longer fall in love, but instead “a person patiently and sweetly made all these beliefs of mine collapse, and so I let myself go again and started to believe in love again”. The showgirl told the weekly Di Più that she suffered after the end of her marriage with the musician Simone Gianlorenzi. But now a Roman lawyer has entered his life, Marco Zechini, divorced and father of three children. “It wasn’t easy to win me over, the end of my marriage was painful, a failure, but Marco had the patience to court me for a long time, a bit like it used to be done in the past, and in the end he won me over.”

Stefania Orlando and her new boyfriend Marco Zechini: the story

It’s the fault, so to speak, of Matilde Brandi and the radio presenter Myriam Fecchi. Two great friends of hers. Initially, however, «my heart was blocked. I explained to him that I didn’t feel like it, that my marriage had recently ended and that I was still scarred. But he didn’t “give up” and in fact he courted me with patience: bouquets of roses, he dedicated songs to me, and he was beside me in pain when my dog ​​Margot died after nineteen years together. In that terrible moment I understood his sensitivity and that I could trust him…”

And so, Stefania still tells the weekly directed by Osvaldo Orlandini, “after six months I gave in in an almost adolescent way”. With her colleague Raffaela Ponzo she also goes into detail: «While I was out for an evening, he said to me: “When you come back I have to say five words to you…”. And I, intrigued: “What does it mean, what do you want to tell me…”. Upon my return we went to lunch in Fregene, in a place that I particularly like and he said: “Do you want to join me?”. Those were his five words. We kissed, our story began. I wouldn’t have imagined I could still be so happy, because I felt bad for my ex-husband.”

And now after so much suffering Stefania Orlando can say it in a different voice: «Marco and I are very much in love and we are thinking about living together. He too, like me, was married, he has three children and I like to see him as a dad, he is present with them, he loves them very much. Then he also gives me a lot of energy to tackle my work… ».


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