“The era of controlled prices is over”

“The era of controlled prices is over”
“The era of controlled prices is over”

Photo: Zeljko Hladika/PIXSELL

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković called for moderation in setting prices for services, given the possibility that they could revive inflation. “I believe that with our policy of limiting the prices of energy products and the consumer basket of 30 products, and in general with all the measures we have taken in recent years, we have managed to contain inflation,” Plenković said after the celebrations of the Day of the Croatian Chamber of Crafts. “We want the trend of decreasing inflation to continue,” he added. Regarding measures to help the economy and citizens due to rising prices and their possible termination, the prime minister said that “with the exit from the crisis, the time is coming when we need to think about the duration of the measures,” without forgetting the most vulnerable, especially pensioners and citizens with low incomes.

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