Accident and long queues in Val Brembana: «There was no one directing traffic»

Accident and long queues in Val Brembana: «There was no one directing traffic»
Accident and long queues in Val Brembana: «There was no one directing traffic»

It is no secret that the road system in the Brembana Valley is at times disastrous. Especially during the weekend, worsening during sudden events, such as accident. This is exactly what happened on the afternoon of Sunday 30 June, as a reader writes to us who also points out the absence of an official figure regulating traffic.

“Many mountain lovers know that to avoid the queues due to the seriously inadequate road system in our valleys, it is necessary to hurry down from paths and refuges and “escape” towards Bergamo – we read -. This Sunday there was an additional variant: due to a rear-end collision near Sedrina at around 3:30 pm, the lane towards San Pellegrino was occupied by the accidented vehicles”.

The most bizarre aspect of the whole affair? The absence of the authorities responsible for regulating traffic. “No traffic police, no police, no carabinieri – he writes -, but two girls in plain clothes (one of whom was wearing a fluorescent vest and the other not) were busy “directing” traffic, letting cars going up and cars going down pass alternately in the only free lane.”

With no small inconvenience to those who had set out to return home. “Naively, however, they did not think that the amount of traffic on Sunday afternoon going downhill was much more intense than the vehicles heading towards the valley. Result: an hour from San Pellegrino to Sedrina, most of which was spent suffocating in the tunnels of Zogno”. Even on social media, someone complained about the lack of a figure to regulate the incoming vehicles: “It happened more than half an hour ago – reads a comment published by a user in the Facebook group “Traffic in the Brembana Valley” -, but where is the police to direct traffic?

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