Menaggio hospital weakened. The PD: “Death sentence for public health”

Menaggio hospital weakened. The PD: “Death sentence for public health”
Menaggio hospital weakened. The PD: “Death sentence for public health”

Menaggio hospital weakened. Democratic Party on the attack. The regional councilor Angelo Orsenigo speaks of an “unacceptable” decision. “We are witnessing a disfigurement of the territory. What happened to the reassurances of the management of ASST Lariana, which only last January defined the facility as “a fundamental hospital for acute care and for responding to local needs”? He asks and then adds. “What happened to the 14 thousand citizens’ signatures? It’s a complete joke.”

“Bertolaso’s announcement coincidentally arrives just after the elections – adds Orsenigo – It even arrives without the knowledge of the majority Larian regional councilors, demonstrating a broken-down council” continues the councilor.

“I am sending a message to the citizens, to the Committee that defends the garrison and public health, to the unions, to the mayors, to my fellow Larian councilors from whom I ask for unity in giving answers to the citizens. This is a call for a great mobilization in defense of the Erba-Renaldi hospital which must begin with an urgent meeting between President Fontana, the mayors and the regional councilors of the territory”.

From the Region to the Parliament. “The sudden announcement by councilor Bertolaso, coincidentally immediately after the European and administrative elections, pronounced without even having the courage to confront the institutions in the area is the death sentence of public health for the central-upper Lake area of Como”. Thus the leader of the Democratic Party in the Chamber, the Como woman Chiara Braga which considers that of the Lombardy Region council “a very serious decision, a devastating blow inflicted on the quality of access to care for the Como people living on the lake”.

“This – he continues – is the healthcare that the right has in mind in the Lombardy Region and beyond: weakening, debasing, mortifying to the point of dismantling public healthcare, taking away staff, services and departments from the Asst to favor private ones.
A right that for some time, without any scruples, has aimed to demolish the national health service which guarantees access to healthcare for all. The story of the Menaggio hospital, as well as those of the Saronno hospital and the many other public facilities scattered throughout Lombardy, make this ruinous plan of the League, the Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia even more evident”.

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