Elisabetta Canalis, the fatal illness as soon as she left home: “Admission to intensive care” | Certain death

Elisabetta Canalis, the fatal illness as soon as she left home: “Admission to intensive care” | Certain death
Elisabetta Canalis, the fatal illness as soon as she left home: “Admission to intensive care” | Certain death

Elisabetta Canalis and that illness that occurred just when she left home. Here are all the details.

Among the showgirls of Strip the News remained in the collective memory, there is certainly her, Elisabetta Canalis. After that role which allowed her to gain great popularity, she established herself in the world of entertainment also as a presenter and actress.

The former showgirl has been the protagonist of numerous covers over the years, calendars and television appearances including Controcampo, Mai dire Tuesday and MTV Italia.

In 2011 he also co-hosted the Sanremo Festival alongside Gianni Morandi, Belen Rodriguez, Luca and Paolo. More recently however, you have been at the helm of Hyenas with Nicola Savino and since 2022 she has been entrusted with the management of Dazn Of Kick & Crumb, a television program focused on sports.

About his private life, after the relationship with George Cloney she married an Italian-American surgeon Brian Perri and from their love their first daughter was born Skyler Eva. However, the two separated in July 2023, after 11 years together.

Difficult moments for Elisabetta Canalis

Throughout her life, Elizabeth also had to face many difficult situations, some of which are still a source of great inspiration today ache for her.

One in particular is linked to the loss of his father, who passed away at the age of 78, due to a stroke who hit him while he was on vacation with her in Los Angeles. She spoke about those terrible moments herself, letting herself go into a truly touching story.

Elisabetta Canalis – Telaradiosciacca.it- (Source Ansa)

That sudden illness, the story of Elisabetta Canalis

It was 2017, when the Pope of Canalis had decided to join her daughter in Los Angeles to celebrate the Christmas holidays together. However, he never returned from that trip. When he felt ill for the first time, he explains the tissue paper to the weekly magazine Today, she had recently moved away. It was her mother who called her and warned her. At that moment Elisabetta immediately ran home and called theambulance.

They hospitalized him and he spent a month in intensive care, where I went every day” said the presenter. Unfortunately, however, the father did not make it. Despite everything, the showgirl says she is happy to have been close to him at that moment. “When faced with facts like this you think that things don’t happen by chance: he came to visit me and gave me the opportunity to be close to him until the end. The same hospital that gave me my daughter, he took my father away from me,” concluded Elisabetta.

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