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then with many strong unders we will make people talk about us”

then with many strong unders we will make people talk about us”
then with many strong unders we will make people talk about us”

«We are working on a corporate sustainability path: we want to create a pool of players that increases the economic, as well as technical, value of the club. We are focusing above all on a path to valorise young people, which started this year and which will have to develop over a three-year period.” Domenico Fracchiolla, 40 years old, the new sports director of Giuglianohas clear ideas about the present and future of the club from the third largest city in Campania.

Giugliano has few unders in its squad and the need to free itself from many onerous contracts stipulated in the past. How are you moving?

“Financial and equity balance is now a priority. We must not make fun of the fans, we must speak clearly. For the moment we are concentrating on the under, later we will do something with the over. We have at least twelve players to fix, there is a lot of work to do. It goes without saying that this work of asset adjustment and valorization of the under park must be accompanied by a high-level technical project, which allows us to at least play a good championship, on the basis of what we did last year”.

Incoming market. After the arrival of Njambé, is there any other good news for the fans?

«We have reached an agreement with the Genoa which allows us to register Antonio Scaravilli, born in 2005. He is a full-back, very skilled along the right lane, with a great physical structure. He is a player who pushes hard on his area of ​​expertise. We are counting a lot on him, so much so that we have signed a three-year permanent contract. He will not be the only young player with great hopes to arrive in Giugliano. We are working on two or three profiles with great prospects. I repeat: we need to take quality under, to capitalize the player pool. Giugliano will be a model in this respect, many interesting players will arrive. We will make people talk about us».

Has the Salvemini knot been untied? Will he remain in Giugliano?

«At the moment we have not received any offers worthy of the name. We proposed an important, two-year renewal to the boy. Francesco is calm and we will do everything to keep him. If important offers that he appreciates arrive, we certainly won’t hinder his professional growth. But I want to be clear: we will not sell it off. Ours is a solid and serious club, no one can give us alms or try to take it away from us with some exchange of players.”

Same goes for Ciuferri?

“Flavio has two more years of contract, he is a fixed point of the club. At the moment there are no requests, but our intention, even if offers were to arrive, is to keep him in Giugliano for a long time”.

An opinion on his first month of work in Campania.

“I feel good, I am in tune with both the club and with mister Bertotto. The Mazzamauro family wants to play football, but above all to do it in a serious way. Bertotto is an added value for this club: he puts the growth of the project before personal ambitions. It is rare to have a coach like that. As for me, I work well in contexts where the focus is on developing young talents.”

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