the closure of Poli Bortone

LECCE – Ministers Fitto (Cohesion Policies and Pnrr) and Anna Maria Bernini (University) will be there alongside Adriana Poli Bortone for the final rally before the ballot. The starting time is set for 8.15pm.

Meanwhile, yesterday the centre-right candidate, who came close to winning in the first round, was in San Cataldo with Maurizio Gasparri, group leader of Forza Italia in the Senate. Together they met Mauro Della Valle, owner of the establishment, and other operators in the sector at the Soleluna lido.

The issue of state concessions has been at the center of not only local but also national debate in recent years because the municipal administration of Lecce has not granted the automatic extension to 2033, as provided for by an amendment to a financial law of the Lega-M5S government . That extension, in fact, has been deemed several times by the Council of State to be contrary to European law and competition rules which require that to entrust a public good (the beach) an open tender must be made to the participation of all interested parties. The centre-right, albeit with various nuances, has always sided with the beach resorts and this orientation was reiterated yesterday by Gasparri.

“This – he said – is one of the many Italian structures that suffers from an uncertainty that seems to have no end – said Gasparri – Indeed, we are not wrong if we talk about persecution, hostility. In recent years I have had the opportunity to discuss with the outgoing mayor of Lecce, who in the name of an alleged opening of markets has always had an unfriendly attitude towards these companies which, instead, create jobs and hospitality. And the continuity of businesses guarantees investments. Unfortunately, not only the mayor has shown himself to be an enemy of the beach businesses. Europe was, but also the justice system. The litigation will continue and I am certainly not able to guarantee one hundred years of concessions. But I will certainly sit at a table and fight, as the entire center-right will do, to obtain the maximum guarantee for the continuity of businesses. We trust in the new European Commission which is being defined.”

Adriana Poli Bortone also insisted on the point: “I don’t want to think badly, in these last two days of the electoral campaign, about all this hostility towards our beach resorts. I am certainly convinced that it is an ideological fact. This administration has often shown itself against private individuals, believing that they make profit. I don’t know anyone on the Left who doesn’t take initiatives without profit, and rightly so. Rather, if they had the good sense to think that private individuals intervene where the public fails, our economy could be much better. We are for the balance between public and private.”

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