Second final exam 2024: SOLUTIONS to Mathematics problems and questions, TRANSLATION of the Greek version, topics covered in the human sciences

Second final exam 2024: SOLUTIONS to Mathematics problems and questions, TRANSLATION of the Greek version, topics covered in the human sciences
Second final exam 2024: SOLUTIONS to Mathematics problems and questions, TRANSLATION of the Greek version, topics covered in the human sciences

Second final exam 2024

Source: getty-images

The second test is putting the graduates to the test, although the tracks released are very interesting. Let’s think for example of Gadda in the mathematics test, or of the version of Plato chosen for classical high school. While the group of 526 thousand graduates continues to carry out the second test, the first traces arrived:


Here are the solutions to the two problems of the mathematics track carried out by our tutors:

Here are the solutions to the math questions:


The translation of the Greek version for classical high school students has also arrived:


The students of the Human Sciences high school, economic and social specialization, addressed a track on well-being, well-being and public happiness. Here’s how it could be done:

Continue the appointment with the second high school exam 2024: the key to the electronic package arrived in the schools promptly at 8.30 am and from that moment, pens in hand, the students began to tackle the second exam paper, a test that certainly inspires more fear than the previous one. Here are the first rumors on the tracks chosen by the Ministry of Education for the second test 2024 and our advice for tackling them:

How long does the second exam of the 2024 high school diploma last?

Unlike the first test, the duration of the second test of the state exam varies depending on the type of high school attended (high school, professional or technical institute).

The time available to complete the test is not uniform. In most cases, the maximum duration of the second test is 6 or 8 hours; for example, in classical high school the test lasts 6 hours. In other situations, such as at art high school, the test takes place over a maximum of three days, with 6 hours of work per day. At the musical and dance high school, however, the test is divided into two days.

How is the second 2024 final exam assessed?

The second test can be evaluated maximum 20 points. The final evaluation of the state exam will be made up of 4 different elements: the grade of the first test, that of the second, that of the oral exam and the score obtained from the three-year credits.

Mathematics track 2024, “challenging questions”

We asked a mathematics teacher how he judged the tracks proposed by the Ministry: “The problems are quite standard: study of parametric functions, the first fractional, the second irrational. The questions are a little more challenging: two on Euclidean geometry in the plane, one on analytical geometry in the plane, one on probability, one on analytical geometry in space (all things that are seen before the fifth grade and are therefore often not reviewed) , the other questions are on functions, standard fifth grade program.

Second test 2024: attention to artificial intelligence

Homework may be at risk for students mistakes that AI makes and why teachers have it available new tools trained to recognize texts processed in this mode. The AI ​​itself admits it, if questioned on the issue: the answers provided are not always exact, and the new specific tools for the Italian language allow the identification of texts generated not by the human mind.
AI, he admits: “Despite its capabilities, it is important to recognize that it is not infallible and requires human oversight and intervention to ensure accuracy and reliability”.

Second test 2024 without anxiety: the psychologist’s advice

How to deal with – or at least try to do so – the traces of this second writing without being overwhelmed by anxiety, agitation and fear? Here is the psychologist’s advice:

  1. Did you know that anxiety and stress are not always negative? Eustress, in fact, guarantees higher levels of attention and concentration, greater energy and perception of strength and resistance, more motivation and productivity which allow the achievement of objectives and the stimulus to seek others. That’s probably what you’re feeling right now!
  2. If you feel the need to release tension, do this exercise: close your eyes and take three deep breaths, the more you exhale the more you let out the air and let yourself go more and more. After a minute, try to normalize your breathing and focus on feeling every part of your body, from your feet to your head.

Useful tips for taking the second test in 2024

The advice that applies to everyone is: read the outline carefully and give yourself time to reflect on what is asked of the candidate. Too often, in fact, it is the rush that plays bad tricks. While carrying out the test it is a good idea to stop and reread what has been written up to that point to check that there is coherence between what was asked for in the outline and what was put down in black and white.

Don’t wait until the last minute to do it because you might realize that you’ve made some mistakes but don’t have time to correct them.

Tips for the Classic track: how to tackle Greco’s version

High school graduates have 6 hours available to translate a passage from Greek into Italian and to answer questions on understanding the text. They can count on the help of the bilingual dictionary.

  1. Read the outline carefully, stay calm and start by reading the title and author of the Greek version. The title contains – concentrated in a few words – all the information necessary to understand the context in which the piece develops.
  2. Focus on the author of the song and try to bring to mind everything you have reviewed on the style of the Greek author in question and write it down on the blank sheet of paper.
  3. Read the passage twice before launching into the vocabulary. You will see that already in this first reading you will be able to give it a general meaning.
  4. Points out and distinguish the verbs you encounter, circle the coordinating and subordinating conjunctions;
  5. Divide and analyze each sentence indicating with slashes the end of a sentence and/or a period.
  6. At this point, and once the previous steps have been completed, you can open the dictionary and analyze the vocabulary.
  7. Finally translate and, once you have translated the text into literal Italian, make it more fluent.

Advice for the Scientific Mathematics track

  1. Read the two problems carefully. They are different and the choice of which one to develop must be well thought out;
  2. Dedicate consistent time to the analysis of the two problems;
  3. Ask yourself what knowledge and skills are required in the course of graduation and which ones do you feel you can give your best to, which ones do you feel most “skilled” at;
  4. Choose the problem that you feel closest to your abilities and skills;

Advice for the track of Technical Institutes

  1. Dedication a careful reading of the track;
  2. Individuate numerical and logical constraints;
  3. To analyze the facts;
  4. After understanding the requests trace a logical path with possible solutions;

Tips for Professional tracks

For professional institutes under the current system, the second test is not centered on the disciplines but on the skills needed and on the fundamental thematic areas of direction. It is a single integrated test in which the Ministry provides the “general national frame of reference” while the commissions build the tracks by declining the ministerial indications according to the specific training path activated by the school. In the new professional institutes, however, the test focuses on skills and fundamental thematic cores of direction and not on disciplines. How to tackle today’s track?

  • Laws the evaluation grid;
  • Analyze trace it carefully: before proceeding it is necessary to be clear about what is being asked;
  • To be effective, responses must provideadequate technical justification of the choices made;

Today’s tracks June 20, 2024

Classical High School

Scientific high school

Math problems:


  • Mathematics question n.1
  • Question no. 2 of mathematics
  • Question no. 3 of mathematics
  • Question no. 4 of mathematics
  • Question no. 5 of mathematics
  • Question no. 6 of mathematics
  • Question no. 7 of mathematics
  • Question no. 8 of mathematics

Human Sciences High School

Constructions, environment and territory

Linguistic High School

  • English: trace
  • French: trace

Technical Institute of Administration, Finance and Marketing


Graphic Technical Institute

The next steps of the 2024 maturity

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