Autonomy, Forza Italia agendas approved. There is also the “Calabrian” one

Autonomy, Forza Italia agendas approved. There is also the “Calabrian” one
Autonomy, Forza Italia agendas approved. There is also the “Calabrian” one

ROME First the favorable opinion expressed by the government through the voice of minister Roberto Calderoli. Then the green disk of the Chamber. Thus pass the 4 agendas with which Forza Italia intended to put its stamp on the Autonomy bill. The blue lines are therefore accepted which provide for a stop to negotiations with the Regions until the definitions of the Lep with delegated law also “on the initiative acts on which the discussion has already been started before the entry into force of this law”; a “rigorous” application of the Council of Ministers’ power to limit the scope of the matters covered by the agreement and the technical report on the financial impact to accompany the legislative decrees on the agreements; the analysis of the impact of the possible transfer of non-Lep matters to be presented for consideration by the Chambers. In particular, this latest agenda of Forza Italia follows the document approved by the Regional Council of Calabria last April, upon input from the President of the Region Roberto Occhiuto, deputy national secretary of Forza Italia. This agenda essentially commits the government “to evaluating the opportunity to provide, before proceeding with the stipulation of agreements which provide for the attribution of functions relating to further forms and particular conditions of autonomy on matters excluded from the determination of the Lep, the preparation of an impact analysis of the regulation that takes into account the evaluation of the effects of the hypotheses of regional legislative and regulatory intervention, as well as of general administrative, programming or planning acts, affecting the activities of citizens and businesses and the organization and functioning of the public administrations, also through comparison of alternative options, taking into account the need to ensure the correct competitive functioning of the market, the protection of individual freedoms, and the maintenance of the general principles of the legal system, to be presented to the Chambers for examination according to their respective regulations”. (approx)

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