Cava de’ Tirreni accident, Francesco Pontone falls from the scooter and is crushed by a truck: the 17-year-old dies

Cava de’ Tirreni accident, Francesco Pontone falls from the scooter and is crushed by a truck: the 17-year-old dies
Cava de’ Tirreni accident, Francesco Pontone falls from the scooter and is crushed by a truck: the 17-year-old dies

One month after the accident in which, on the state road a Cava de Tirrenithe physiotherapist from Salerno lost his life, Gianluca Chiaiese, another terrible fatal accident occurred on Metellian territory. It happened on the evening of June 17, around 10.30pm at the roundabout near the train station of Cava. A scooter with two very young people on the saddle, suddenly skidded and ended up against a tanker. The two boys ended up violently on the asphalt but the passenger was the one who got the worst of it. Francesco Pontone, 17 years old from Castel San Giorgio, in flight from the motorbike, was hit by the tanker. He died instantly.

The dynamics

The scooter was passing on Via XXV Luglio, in the direction of the station. According to what was reconstructed by the police, while overtaking a car, the two boys hit another car that was proceeding in the same direction. The driver he lost control of the vehicle on two wheels and the boys fell to the ground. Francesco ended up under the wheels of a tanker, which was passing in the opposite direction and which crushed him: he died instantly. The driver of the truck immediately attempted to help the 17-year-old. But at the sight of the young man’s body he was in shock.

The rescue

The driver of the truck is was left in shock. The 118 health workers of the Blue Cross of Nocera Superiore, the carabinieri, local police officers and the financial police immediately intervened at the scene of the accident. But they were only able to secure the area and facilitate the removal of the young man’s body.

“It’s a massacre on this road now”

«A month ago Gianluca, tonight Francesco. Now our communities are mourning more and more young people lives cut short prematurely in road accidents most of the time driving scooters and motorbikes – writes the Dragonea Civic Committee, which has always been involved in raising awareness against road accidents on the state road that leads from Salerno to Cava de Tirreni – Now it’s a massacre. We share the heartbreaking pain of the families affected by these deaths.”

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