Yesterday in Saronno: bar pickpockets Girls stuck on the swing. Trenord strike. Restaurant fire

Yesterday in Saronno: bar pickpockets Girls stuck on the swing. Trenord strike. Restaurant fire
Yesterday in Saronno: bar pickpockets Girls stuck on the swing. Trenord strike. Restaurant fire

SARONNO – It will be made official the new Piazza Matteotti. Nigro explains the value of the intervention.

Saronno, tomorrow Piazza Matteotti will be made official. Nigro explains the value of the intervention

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In the Pinzano district of Limbiate, in via Giotto, intervention by firefighters, ambulance and local police after the alarm received from some citizens, two little girls were stuck on the swing.

Two little girls stuck in the swing: intervention of the firefighters

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From 3am on Sunday 16 June to 2am on Monday 17 June the trade union organizations Uiltrasporti and Orsa have called a strike which, for the entire day of Sunday, will have repercussions on the circulation of regional and suburban trains, on the Malpensa Express airport connection and on the service in Italian territory of the S50 Malpensa Airport-Biasca line. Trips may be subject to changes and cancellations.

Trenord, strike on Sunday: timetables

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Fire in a restaurant: two intoxicated in Limbiate.

Fire in a restaurant: two intoxicated people in Limbiate (photo)

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The 35th edition of the Palio di Uboldo has begun, below is the program of the evenings. Today sSaturday 15 June, at 3pm at the Galli gym the preliminaries of men’s basketball, at 5pm at the oratory the preliminaries of chick football for the minipalio, at 7pm the preliminaries of over 40 men’s football, followed by the Big Wheels show and at 9pm the Italia match will be screened -Albania. Following games: Egg throwing, One wheel leads to another and Pic painless.

Uboldo, this evening the Palio, the program, begins

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