Crotone: Forza Italia calls for urgent intervention for Piazza delle Foibe

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Public Hygiene Situation in Piazza delle Foibe: A Request for Immediate Intervention

We wish to bring to the attention of the competent authorities and citizens the very serious public hygiene situation in Piazza delle Foibe, which is now in unsustainable conditions.

Currently, Piazza delle Foibe has become a real open-air landfill, creating not only inconvenience for residents, but also potential criminal liability for the Municipality of Crotone. This situation cannot be tolerated, as it compromises the quality of life of an entire community.

We urgently ask for the intervention of the police and municipal authorities to start an immediate and decisive cleaning of the square. It is essential to restore the liveability of the neighborhood and ensure a healthy and safe environment for all its inhabitants.

Our appeal is not to be interpreted as an attack or a polemical request, but as a constructive contribution to the growth and improvement of our city. We trust in the prompt response of the authorities and in everyone’s collaboration to resolve this serious problem.

Antonello Talerico

Forza Italia

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