Orvietolife wins the FIDAS award for the best article in the local press on blood donation – Orvieto Life

Two journalists and a journalist on the podium of the 14th edition of the FIDAS (Italian Federation of Blood Donors Associations) National Journalism Award “Isabella Sturvi”. They are Michela Iaccarino for the National Section, Alessandro Maria Li Donni for the Local Section and for the Emerging Section reserved for under 35s by Alessandra Neri. The Award Jury declared the victory by selecting the best articles and services for the three sections into which the Award is divided.

The winner of the National Section, Michela Iaccarino convinced the Jury with an article published on Daily fact which emphasizes the importance of blood donation, placing it in a broader global dimension which also affects the sustainability of the Planet.

For the Local Section he was awarded first prize, Alessandro Maria Li Donni, of the header Orvietolife.it: his is the story of a girl who, despite her strong fear of donating blood, manages to overcome it for her seriously injured brother. Below is the motivation with which the jury decided to award the prize, “for having collected data that effectively captures a regional reality that needs to be encouraged towards the culture of donation. In the article, an authentic and impactful story becomes an exemplary story of how giving is a civic gesture, beyond the emergency.” (click here to read the article)

For the Emerging Section, dedicated to under 35s, was awarded first prize Alessandra Neri, with an article published in the newspaper of the “Walter Tobagi” School of Journalism, which highlights, through the story of a family saga, the beauty of passing down the civic gesture of blood donation from generation to generation.

The composition of the Jury as for the last edition has remained unchanged: Maria Emilia Bonaccorso (Editor-in-Chief of Ansa Salute); Barbara Bonomi Romagnoli (Italian Global Health Network Journalist); Rory Cappelli (national news La Repubblica); Beatrice Curci (Science journalist – GIULIA Journalists); Vittorio Di Trapani (President of the National Press Federation); Guido D’Ubaldo (President of the Order of Journalists of Lazio); Maria Giovanna Faiella (Corriere della Sera – Corriere Salute); Rossella Guadagnini (Adnkronos news agency); Ivano Maiorella (Social Radio News Director); Grazia Leone (Tg3 Rai); Adriana Pannitteri (Tg2 Rai); Eugenia Romanelli (Director of Rewriters.it); Arianna Voto (Rai Journalist for Sustainability – ESG Environment Social Governance).

The Jury was chaired by Giovanni Musso, National FIDAS President and by two national Communication delegates: Ines Seletti and Enzo Emmanuello. There awards ceremony for the winners it happened, on the eve of World Blood Donor Day, Thursday 13 June at 10am, at the headquarters of the National Press Federation in Rome. Adriana Pannitteri, Rai journalist, hosted the morning and was attended by Professor Vincenzo De Angelis, director of the National Blood Center and the National FIDAS President Giovanni Musso.

The Award is dedicated to Isabella Sturvi, who passed away on 12 July 2009, for a long time responsible for the Blood and Transplant Office of the Ministry of Health. Thanks to her commitment, she contributed to the growth of a particularly important sector, such as transfusion and transplant medicine. In 2011, in his memory, FIDAS Nazionale established the Journalism Award, sponsored by the National Order of Journalists, the National Federation of the Italian Press, the National Blood Center (CNS) and the Italian Society of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohaematology (SIMTI), to enhance social and scientific journalism by giving voice to the world of volunteering.

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