Bridgerton season 3, part 2: does love still conquer all?

Let’s get this straight away. “A woman who says what she thinks is never banal.” The second part of Bridgerton 3 starts right here today, June 13th, from the reflection on the truth which, for a woman, can even become sexy. Or very dangerous. Of course, sometimes you have to choose between reality and your fantasies and for 8 episodes in a row (the new ones go from 5 to 8 and last an hour each) Penelope Featherington pines precisely for this, that is, she is consumed by desire romantic to crown her love with Colin Bridgerton and the ante litteram urgency to make sense of her talent and… continue writing nonsense on a gossip sheet.

In short, will she win a future full of pink & red hearts or will Pen give up a family to just follow her aspirations in a rigidly Regency London where you can easily fall in love with magnificent black men without arousing any stigma, have sex before marriage on an ottoman as if it were the most normal thing in the world in 1815 London, but can’t women, for goodness sake, only aspire to become wives/mothers? «Women don’t have dreams, they have husbands», says the still red-haired mother Tiziano to the small and chubby Pen.

Yes, but then what happens? Let’s go in order. Meanwhile, know that the first part of the costume series by that genius Shonda Rhimes aired on May 16th and marked the biggest debut ever with over 41 million views in the first four days. But that was to be expected.
The novelty of this end of the season is that even Cressida Cowper, the pretty blonde spinster that surprisingly no one wants, finds an exit strategy as soon as she discovers that by agreeing to marry an old conservative nobleman not only will she no longer be able to go to parties more than once a month but she will be forced to give up the pompous Technicolor Cruella De Vil outfits that the costume designers have designed and sewn with skill especially for her: at that point she loses her mind and declares that she is Lady Whistledown. After all, Queen Charlotte has offered a reward of 5 thousand pounds to anyone who would reveal the writer’s identity and she needs money to buy… her freedom.

Penelope, the real Lady Whistledown, on Eloise’s advice, remains silent. Only then the situation gets complicated and she then decides to write her last bulletin. Too bad that, after “only” 6 episodes, Colin also wakes up and… waits for her outside the copy shop. This while you are still there wondering the meaning of the word “lucore” thrown out there by the milliner as if she had used it every day of her life since she was just 8 years old: the translator chose it to show us her superiority, but in reality he would have been better off leafing through the thesaurus and choosing between “shine, splendor, luminosity”.

Anyway, yes, Pen and Colin make love and they do it on a sofa in a house full of dust that will become their love nest. Then, in no particular order: Benedict Bridgerton, the libertine of the family who changes more women than expressions every season, discovers that his new lover loves menage à trois (and who knows what else), becomes squeamish/moralistic and runs away ( alright); Francesca is determined to marry her boyfriend with whom she loves to sit on the benches staring into space in the most absurd of silences, but she has to confess it to the Queen and fears she will not give them her blessing; Kate and Anthony are expecting a baby; Will closes his gentlemen’s club and with Alice throws the most original dance of the season.

But one question remains open: why is Lady Dambury hostile to the possible relationship between her brother Marcus and the widow Violet Bridgerton? We don’t know if Penelope will really become a writer and, precisely because of her, Colin will send her back to the sender or he will win over all the love and you will cry with joy. Or we don’t want to tell you.


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