Minister Sangiuliano: “In Rai I was censored every day. Signorelli? The real news is the massacres of the Khmer Rouge”

The head of the Department of Culture at the “Towards the G7” conference: public service «is an expression of banality made into thought». On the other hand, «A clear and exhibited partisanship is better than a sneaky third party» has always been the motto of the former director of Tg2 who followed all the sovereignist campaigns on the second network

«In Rai I was censored daily». The phrase was pronounced by the Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano in his speech at the conference “Towards the G7: AI risks and opportunities”. And you sound a little out of tune reading the CV of the biographer-journalist-writer, or rather hagiographer of Vladimir Putin And Donald Trump: joined Rai in 2003 as correspondent of the regional newspaper and head of service, a fast career: in 2004 he was transferred to Rome to the National Tgr Agency where he first became deputy editor-in-chief (2005) and later editor-in-chief (2007). In 2009 he moved to Tg1 where he managed to hold the role of deputy director and in 2018 he became director of Tg2 which in full yellow-green government and with a RAI president and commentator on Russia Today, Marcello Foarevolutionizes the news of the second Rai channel.

«A clear and exhibited partisanship is better than a sneaky third party», is his manifesto and so Sangiuliano thinks and creates a new Tg Storia, in line with his non-fiction production. Another edition 8.30-8.40 and more soft-news, dossiers, specials. “Dear friend” of Salvini, the news reports on the Yellow Vests and follows Putin’s end-of-year press conferences, without neglecting reports on Orthodox Christmas in Moscow.

Other times, rejected in a contemptuous manner today by the minister who prefers to remember them like this: «I have always been by nature a critical spirit and I fought battles in this sense but I was censored daily for my critical spirit, because Rai is an expression of the pasteurization of thought, of banality made into thought».

Perhaps also for this reason, today he prefers to dictate the agenda, as the PD deputy and former Minister of Labor points out on social media Andrea Orlando: «To respond to journalists who ask him to account for the chats of Paolo Signorelli, Lollobrigida’s spokesperson, who spoke with the more well-known and deceased Diabolik with anti-Semitic statements, Minister Sangiuliano replies that he intends to dictate the agenda. And therefore, the real news is the massacres of the Khmer Rouge which occurred in ’75” explains the former Democratic minister: “Now, net of the fact that in Italy, where even in the era of ideological fury there were Stalinists and Maoists, they are not followers of Pol Pot. And despite the fact that if chats of an opposition member were discovered in which bloodthirsty regimes are glorified, speaking with a drug trafficker, I tend to imagine that someone on the right would point it out. Net of all this, what strikes me is the timeliness with which Sangiuliano reports absolutely terrible news, but from ’75. Especially because an esteemed information professional does it.”

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