Berlusconi, mass in Arcore one year after his death. Barbara: “he was persecuted”

Tomorrow 12 June a mass will be celebrated in the chapel of Villa San Martino in Arcore to commemorate the first anniversary of the death of Silvio Berlusconi, former prime minister and founder of Mediaset and Forza Italia. The ceremony will be strictly private and all family members participated, including the five children, brother Paolo, Marta Fascina and close friends.

After mass, lunch at Villa San Martino

Among the people closest to Berlusconi, his schoolmate Fedele Confalonieri, Gianni Letta, Adriano Galliani, Fininvest CEO Danilo Pellegrino will be present, who will then stay for lunch in the historic residence of the former Prime Minister. In the late afternoon of tomorrow, meanwhile, Pier Silvio Berlusconi, as we learn, will bring together all the employees and collaborators of the Mediaset Group in the historic headquarters of Cologno Monzese to remember the founder of the Company. Connections are also planned with the Rome and Mediaset Espana offices in Madrid. On Wednesday 12 June, in prime time, Mediaset will then remember Silvio Berlusconi by broadcasting in prime time on Canale 5 “Dear President, one year later”, a documentary by Toni Capuozzo directed by Roberto Burchielli.

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Barbara Berlusconi: “Politicized magistrates attacked dad”

Meanwhile, Barbara Berlusconi, third child of the founder of Forza Italia, remembered her father in an interview with Tg1 conducted right at Villa Macherio. According to the woman, her father “was the most persecuted political leader in the world with more than 4 thousand hearings and 86 trials. An obstinacy on the part of a part of the politicized judiciary which lasted almost 30 years and which seriously compromised his health. I I hope that the justice reform will be approved soon in Parliament.” Then he added: “My father changed Italy by modernizing it, in entrepreneurship, in sport, in the media and above all in politics with the introduction of bipolarism. He was much loved because he always defended freedom as a natural right of man as opposed to a more oppressive state that is not at the service of citizens, as he hoped. And then it was certainly opposed.”

in-depth analysis

Who is Barbara Berlusconi, the third daughter of Silvio Berlusconi

Pier Silvio Berlusconi: “My father is Love”

On the eve of one year since the death of Silvio Berlusconi, many were present at the commemoration organized by Mediaset in the Cologno headquarters, and other employees and collaborators were also connected live from the Rome and Madrid offices. They gathered in Studio 20 and Pier Silvio to remember the founder did not start from the successes of the entrepreneur or the challenges of the politician but from one word, “the strongest, most powerful, absolutely universal word: Silvio Berlusconi our founder, my father is Love”. The portrait of Silvio Berlusconi appears on a mega screen and then a quote from him: “True love wins over everything, if you don’t know how to love you can’t build anything good, for yourself and for others. If you know how to love you can look at life , in all its aspects with an always positive outlook, realistic but optimistic, capable of seeing ahead”.

Pier Silvio Berlusconi arrives at San Raffaele where his father, Forza Italia leader and former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is hospitalized Milan, 13 April 2023. ANSA/MATTEO CORNER

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