Who is favored in the runoffs? From Florence to Bari to Perugia, the candidates and when to vote

Who is favored in the runoffs? From Florence to Bari to Perugia, the candidates and when to vote
Who is favored in the runoffs? From Florence to Bari to Perugia, the candidates and when to vote

After having won 10 administrations in the first round (Bergamo, Pavia, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Prato, Livorno, Cesena, Pesaro, Sassari and Cagliari), some with the help of the wide field, the centre-left is also the favorite in the run-offs on Sunday 23 and Monday 24 June which will see polling stations reopen in 101 municipalities: a Florence, Bari And Perugia in fact, the centre-left candidates obtained greater support in the first round. The centre-right has already established itself, however, in seven cities: Biella, Ferrara, Forlì, Ascoli, Pescara, Avellino and Campobasso where it has imposed its own mayoral candidates. And he’s ahead of the game Powerwith the candidate Francesco Fanelli, of the League, who in two weeks will try to beat his centre-left opponent Vincenzo Telesca, who, in turn, has already started discussions with the other two candidates from the progressive camp.

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In Lecce, the outcome is still uncertain as the data from four sections were not entered: deemed inconsistent, they were sent to the central district office for a recount. In the Salento capital, the candidate of the united centre-right, the former mayor and minister Adriana Poli Bortone, has repeatedly exceeded, albeit slightly, 50% of the votes during the counting and is currently stuck at 49.64% against 47 % of the broad candidate, the outgoing mayor Carlo Salvemini. The centre-right, therefore, still hopes to win in the first round. And therefore for the candidates who go to the ballot in two weeks, the game of alliances and the hunt for abstentions is at stake.


Sara Funaro, 48 years old, psychologist and former councilor for welfare and healthcare, is already at work in Florence, having obtained a 10-point margin over the centre-right candidate Eike Schmidt, former director of the Uffizi. «Ten points are recoverable», he goes on to say, while Funaro hopes to be able to count on the support of Stefania Saccardi, candidate for mayor of Florence for IV and left out of the ballot. «When there is a run-off we will evaluate; my candidacy, my values, all my administrative activity has always taken place within the centre-left but you can change teams without changing camp”, Saccardi said a few weeks ago. It therefore remains to be understood what Italia Viva’s decision will be.


The agreement in Bari was much more difficult, where the PD candidate Vito Leccese, 61, came close to winning in the first round. The lawyer Michele Laforgia, supported by M5S and the Italian Left, has already made it known that he will support Leccese as long as a table is convened for the drafting of a legality pact.

The others

There will also be a run-off in Caltanissetta where the candidates for mayor Walter Tesauro (C.destra) who obtained around 35% and Annalisa Petitto (civic supported by the centre-left) with just over 30.47% will have to contend with while the former mayor Roberto is out Gambino of the M5s. Heart-pounding battle in Perugia where Vittoria Ferdinandi, centre-left, and Margherita Scoccia, centre-right, are divided by a handful of 500 votes. The shift scheduled in two weeks will now be decisive, when the city’s first mayor will be elected. The Municipality of Perugia was led for two mandates by Andrea Romizi (FI) who had conquered what was, until his election, the stronghold of the left. Also in Cremona the ballot will decide the name of the new mayor after the first round ended with an advantage of only 402 votes (1.25%) for the centre-right candidate, Alessandro Portesani, over that of the centre-left, the outgoing deputy mayor Andrea Virgilio. Second round also in Urbino, with Maurizio Gambini (centre-right) already mayor of the city leading by three percentage points over his centre-left rival Federico Scaramucci, and in Verbania, where the centre-left candidate is ahead. We return to the polls in Vercelli, where the centre-right candidate obtained the most votes, and Vibo Valentia: here too the centre-right candidate obtained 7 points more than his challenger.


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