«We need reflection in the movement» – Varesenoi.it

The League “holds out” compared to the most dire forecasts and, at a national level, wins 9 percent of the votes, but is overtaken by Forza Italia (9.6 percent).
In the province of Varese, Matteo Salvini’s party obtained 14.4 percent, keeping the Forza Italia supporters at a safe distance (10 percent).

«A result in line with expectations in terms of percentages», observes the Northern League provincial secretary Andrea Cassani, in waiting like the whole party to know the fate of Isabella Tovaglieri who – thanks to the almost 40 thousand preferences obtained – hopes for reconfirmation in Brussels.

«The League is growing slightly compared to the political vote – says Cassani -. The interesting aspect is that in the province of Varese we managed to do a great job on Isabella which led her to overtake many other more “popular” candidates at the beginning of the electoral campaign. A result that we hope will lead to confirming her seat.”

However, as mentioned, Forza Italia’s overtaking must be noted. A stain? «At a national level, all the centre-right government parties have grown – states the secretary -. Moreover, Noi Moderati also joined the FI list. TO Varese we are still the second party and it’s a good result.”

In these hours the words of Umberto Bossi are taking center stage who, while the elections were underway, made it known that the bustocco Marco Reguzzoni would have votedcandidate with Forza Italia.
«I will certainly have to listen to the militants – Salvini said this morning -. If someone says they vote for another party, they disrespect not the secretary in office but an entire community.”

Cassani, more than with the “Boss” (“A person certainly of value to whom we all owe a lot. It seems strange to me that he wanted to make such a statement right when the polls were open”), takes it out on those who have expressed those words. made spokesperson: Paolo Grimoldi, former parliamentarian and secretary of the Lombard League, who has long been critical of the Salvini-led party.

«I didn’t hear Bossi’s words – says Cassani -. I heard the words of someone who still says he is a member of the Northern League and allows himself to make these declarations with the polls open. We probably need to reflect internally within the movement on this type of person. If someone wants to be in the League, he behaves like a Northern League member. If someone wants to stay inside to make noise, maybe it’s better to sit outside.”


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