It excavates under via Euterpe and the underpass connecting to via della Repubblica takes shape

It excavates under via Euterpe and the underpass connecting to via della Repubblica takes shape
It excavates under via Euterpe and the underpass connecting to via della Repubblica takes shape

Work continues on the maxi construction site along State Road 16. While on the roundabout front in recent weeks the technical discussions between the Municipality, Anas and Aspi were concluded to carry forward the process of changing the design of the roundabout entrances, aimed at making permanent the two-lane entrances, not foreseen in the initial configuration, the other significant news comes from the construction site to support the works in via Euterpe. During the last days work has started to build the underpass, the excavation works insist on the Ravenna side, a work that will allow the direct connection of via Euterpe with via della Repubblica. In the next few weeks the preparatory works on the sea side will be completed, which will allow the continuation of the excavations on the other front as well.

The progress of the construction site

With the completion of the head curbs, currently nearing completion, preparatory to the excavation of the diaphragms (i.e. the 25 meter deep containment bulkhead), the actual excavation of the underpass is now proceeding. A very important phase, as it is crucial for accelerating the opening of the road network between Euterpe/Repubblica streets, expected in the provisional phase with the single-lane transit by the end of summer.
All work, at the moment, is concentrated on via Euterpe, where the sewerage systems, civil plant works and the maintenance yard for the lifting systems will be completed. This is the most important work of the stretch, consisting of 250 meters of ramps and an underpass of approximately 31 metres, which will allow the elimination of the traffic light previously necessary to allow access to state road 16 from via della Repubblica.

The works fall within the scope of the works carried out by Autostrade per l’Italia, for an investment of approximately 7 million euros, and they requested the closure of via Euterpe for the construction of the new intersection between state road 16, via della Repubblica and the San Marino highway.

Other work in progress

A construction site to which the works for the construction are also connected creation of a new cycle/pedestrian path with three underpasses for crossing the roundabout and via Euterpe, which will connect the upstream area with the seaside area, joining the cycle/pedestrian path already present inside the Giovanni Paolo II park (La Cava park). In reference to this work, which will allow an important urban re-stitching, the walls of the western cycle are currently being completed, i.e. the part of the underpass between the new roundabout and the mountain side of via Euterpe, where the connection is planned with those who come from the Garden.

At the same time, the manhole that crosses via Euterpe orthogonally was completed. A new hydraulic collector of the old Ausa stream, with a route parallel to the cycle path, which involves the construction of the hydraulic crossing, allowing the mountain-sea continuity of the stream.

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