«Pro ​​Loco Avenza meeting, good initiative but we councilors also had to speak»

«Pro ​​Loco Avenza meeting, good initiative but we councilors also had to speak»
«Pro ​​Loco Avenza meeting, good initiative but we councilors also had to speak»

AVENZA – A few days after the public meeting organized by the Avenza pro loco, in which the administration with several councilors participated in large numbers, as well as some majority and minority councilors being present, the first reactions arrive from politicians . The object of controversy in fact becomes the exclusion of the councilors from the debate, desired by the pro loco itself which had believed that only the citizens and members of the council should and could speak to give the answers. The topic placed at the center of the discussion was the Amendola cultural center, but the critical issues of the neighborhood and the interventions of the citizens then broadened the field of debate to include many aspects. Some opposition councilors therefore claiming the importance that their contribution could have had: Filippo Mirabella, who had repeatedly brought the issue of safety in Avenza to the attention of the press following inspections and questions, councilor Maria Mattei which is following by bringing it to the Council, the issue of reclamation which unfortunately closely affects the neighborhood and the councilor Matteo Martinelli, former vice mayor and councilor for Marble in the previous council, author of that article 21 thanks to which the current administration is preparing to to finance some recovery works of the Aventino infrastructures.

“As publicly declared in the previous days – write Mirabella and Mattei – we warmly welcomed the initiative of the Avenza pro loco. We participated with great interest and a spirit of collaboration because we share the concerns of the pro loco and the citizens of Avenza who have denounced how the municipal administration, two years after taking office and despite the promises made in the electoral campaign and in numerous public meetings, has not yet done anything to improve the situation of desolation and degradation affecting a hamlet which due to its history and population is central to the entire territory. On Monday evening, as expected – they comment – the issues addressed warmed the hearts of the citizens who attended who urged the representatives of the municipal council to provide answers to the serious problems raised by the councilor Filippo Mirabella with various questions and press releases, while the president of the pro Sasha Biggi, at the beginning, referred to the environmental theme and the clean-up of poisons in the former Apuan Industrial Area, now a Site of National and Regional Interest which councilor Maria Mattei has brought to the attention of the city council several times. We listened to the citizens with great attention and collected their concerns which we totally share – say the councilors Mirabella and Mattei – However, we must strongly underline how the request explicitly made by the organizers to the councilors present not to intervene during the debate left us profoundly embittered. This request raises more than a few doubts given that we received a formal invitation from the Avenza pro loco to participate as city councillors, an invitation sent to our institutional email address. We therefore believe that our intervention during the evening was not only natural, but necessary. Our relationships with all the people interested in the future of Avenza and with their associations will certainly not change and together we will continue to work on the issues raised by the citizens present at the initiative which we hope will have continuity with similar initiatives which recognize, however , everyone has the right to intervene and present their ideas”.

Councilor Martinelli didn’t like the exclusion from the debate that took place at Casa Pellini the other evening either: “Given that we went above all to listen to people’s observations, suggestions and criticisms, we cannot fail to underline the absurdity of this choice – criticizes the councilor – First of all, it seems strange that councilors and party secretaries were able to have their say while the councilors, who sit in the Council thanks to the preferences of the citizens, were prevented from speaking. Furthermore, we had to listen, in silence, to the attacks that were directed at the Movement by some party councillors/secretaries, without being able to respond. On the merits, apart from stigmatizing the episode in which the majority councilor Luca Vinchesi was the protagonist, we note some omissions by the councilor/secretary Moreno Lorenzini, evidently short of arguments. In having to justify the absence of interventions by the Arrighi administration on Avenza, the councilor spoke of 8 million in planned investments. It’s a shame that these resources are related to the ASL’s interventions in the district, around half a million left over from the suburban tender, but above all one million from the PNRR (obtained from the Movement), almost 3 million for the renovation project of the covered market and for the redevelopment of the ”The Boys of 1944” park which the Municipality obtained from private individuals thanks to the new Regulations for marble farms wanted by the 5 Star Movement. Covered market which, it is worth underlining, must remain public and accessible to all citizens after the renovation. In the recent budget change of 4 million from the marble, rained on the administration without any merit, our ‘lucky’ administrators instead did not allocate a single cent to Avenza – protests Martinelli -. The council, if we want to talk about concrete things, for now has only managed to approve the change of use of the offices of the former Cat, a preparatory act for the sale to private individuals. We hope – concludes the councilor – that at least these resources will be used quickly for the renovation of the Amendola hall complex”.

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