The new gym of the “Quercia” high school was inaugurated yesterday

The new gym of the “Quercia” high school was inaugurated yesterday
The new gym of the “Quercia” high school was inaugurated yesterday

MARCIANISE – Il president of the Province of Caserta, Giorgio Maglioccahas inaugurated yesterday morning there new gym of the “Quercia” high school in Marcianise. The intervention worth approximately 500 thousand euros, financed with 350 thousand euros of Poc funds “For School, Skills and Learning Environments” 2014-2020 and 150 thousand euros of the Province’s own funds, involved a complete renovation of the plant sports hall and the adjoining service rooms and changing rooms: waterproofing and insulation of the roof; elimination of rubber flooring and installation of parquet; replacement of fixtures and complete painting, supply of sports material, complete renovation of bathrooms and changing rooms.

The authorities present

President Magliocca was welcomed by the school director Diamond Marotta which kicked off the short ceremony attended, among others, by the mayor of Marcianise Antonio Trombetta with a delegation of councilors and city councilors, the manager of the Territorial Area of ​​Caserta Monica Matanothe provincial councilors respectively responsible for school buildings, Gerardo Capitelli and to Agis, Gaetano Di Monaco, the provincial councilor Antimo Rondello. Also present the manager of the Construction Sector of the Province Paolo Madonna with his staff, a large delegation of teachers and students from the various branches of the school, the director of Agis Luigi Perfetto.

President Magliocca’s speech

After the thanks to the Province of the manager Marotta, the mayor Trombetta and the manager Matano, who complimented the quality of the works completed and the attention paid in recent years to the redevelopment and modernization of the school assets of Terra of Work, the president Giorgio Magliocca retraced the stages that led to today’s inauguration: “I never tire of repeating and remembering – he said – that when I was elected in 2017 the Province was in a serious situation of financial difficulty which did not even allow it to pay the salaries of employees. Today, finally, after a great recovery work, we are out of it and can plan, design and inaugurate fundamental structures for the territory. This is the third school gym that we have returned to Caserta students in a few weeks, in the next few days we will reopen another one at the “Amaldi” in Santa Maria Capua Vetere. These are concrete and visible results, the result of impressive work by the entire provincial administration, starting from our technical structure which I thank from the bottom of my heart. Good at planning and good at intercepting funding which, above all thanks to that of the PNRR, will allow us – he concluded – to secure and modernize over 50% of the schools under our jurisdiction”.

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