Accident in Rosignano, the surviving toll collector speaks: “My time hadn’t come yet”

Accident in Rosignano, the surviving toll collector speaks: “My time hadn’t come yet”
Accident in Rosignano, the surviving toll collector speaks: “My time hadn’t come yet”

The pain from the very serious situation is still strong accident occurred at the toll booth of Rosignano Sunday 2 June 2024. A terrifying crash in which three people lost their lives: Robert Frienderich 61 years old, Cornelia Schubert 68 years old, husband and wife of German nationality, e Marco Acciaia Florentine boy just 21 years old.

Video surveillance cameras captured video of the terrible collision between the Honda driven by the German couple and the red Fiat 500 where the very young Florentine was, in which the motorway toll booth was almost completely destroyed. However, the toll collector Gabriele Santoni miraculously managed to escapeat that moment working in the very cabin involved in the accident.

An image of the accident at the Rosignano toll booth

The words of the surviving toll collector

The cabin began to shake and crumple. My first thought was that of a truck – said Santoni, thinking back to the tragedy he experienced firsthand -. I saw take one of the deceased people away on a stretcher while I waited my turn for treatment. There were more serious cases than mine.”

The toll collector “got away” with 6 stitches on his forehead, a 15-day prognosis and a shock that probably won’t leave him in time.

Miraculous? Yes perhaps you can say that. Everyone has their destiny and their time, mine evidently hadn’t arrived yet“.

The story then moves on to what happened and the fear experienced by those who never returned from that toll booth.

I wouldn’t want to have been the woman in the car at that time, he must have experienced a moment of pure terror, at least that’s what I imagine. The Sir? I don’t know, maybe he lost consciousness, the autopsy will obviously tell us. What touches me most is what happened to the boy. He couldn’t defend himself, he couldn’t do anything. To me the cabin felt like it was coming at me, I tried to put my hand forward and luckily it only bent. He, on the other hand, didn’t notice anything, he couldn’t defend himself. This thing touches me a lot”, she said with tears still in her eyes from those scenes experienced so closely.

In sign of thanks for his salvation, Gabriel Santoni he will bring the bloody bib to the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie of Montenerowhich stands on the Monte Nero hill, in Livorno.

The video report from Italia7, television of our editorial group Netweek:

An autopsy is pending

The investigations will be carried out on the bodies of the deceased German couple. L’autopsy could confirm or deny the hypothesis – currently the most widely acclaimed – of a illness. If it doesn’t result in an illness, the causes could be different on hiring Of substances narcotics or drugsor of alcohol. In short, something that may have prevented a regular maneuver and which instead caused the vehicle to lose control, causing the strange trajectory it took. The man would have been driving the Honda, in any case tests will be carried out on both victims.

The other hypothesis is nature mechanics. The driver may have lost control of the car for a malfunction of the same. A broken down to the brakes for example, but other anomalies cannot be ruled out. In this case the condition of the remaining car – seized – will certainly not help almost completely destroyed by the impact. A complex but necessary investigation to try to reconstruct a terrifying accident and give families the answers they certainly deserve for the tragedy they experienced.

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