Milan, flashmob for the release of the hostages. UGEI: “Silence is a luxury that we cannot afford” – UGEI

Milan, flashmob for the release of the hostages. UGEI: “Silence is a luxury that we cannot afford” – UGEI
Milan, flashmob for the release of the hostages. UGEI: “Silence is a luxury that we cannot afford” – UGEI

by David Fiorentini

“Silence is a luxury we cannot afford. How can we remain helpless in the face of the barbarity that Hamas terrorists are carrying out on the lives of hostages and beyond?”. Thus began UGEI president Luca Spizzichino at the flash-mob organized on Monday evening in Piazza San Fedele, Milan, to remember the 125 kidnapped still today in Gaza. After Naples and Rome, the Union of Young Jews of Italy has reached the Lombard capital together with the Forum of the Families of the Hostages, the Jewish Community, associations and local citizens, putting young people in the foreground. “We want to send a message from the heart of Milan that resonates in all places where the hostage issue is ignored on a daily basis or worse still is justified and endorsed” continues Spizzichino. In a square crowded with people, the 125 images of the hostages, alive or dead, still held in Gaza in inhumane conditions appear. The objective is to always keep a high level of attention towards them, so that the international community increases the pressure for their immediate release.
The new generations are the true protagonists of the conflict, both on the field, with numerous peers recalled to the ranks of the Israeli army, and online and in universities, where anti-Semitism and the demonization of the State of Israel are fought.
The UGEI president concludes: “It is a duty to remember the kidnapped people who have been held hostage by Hamas under the tunnels since 7 October, especially for us young people given that many of them are our peers and because looking to the future we cannot allow horrors of this kind to happen again new.” Among emotional songs by Israeli singers hoping for a rapid return home, the promise was renewed to continue demonstrating throughout Italy until the last hostage is freed.

Medical student at Humanitas University of Milan, he was President of UGEI in the two-year period 2022-2023.

Born and raised in Siena, he currently holds the role of Policy Officer and is editor of HaTikwa.

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