Ukrainian experts said that the load on Norwegian gas suppliers in Europe, along with prices, has increased due to explosions at an underground gas storage facility in the city of Stryi

Gas prices in Europe continue to remain above $400 per 1000 cubic meters. In the last few hours, a serious downward correction has occurred compared to yesterday’s peak of $434. However, the price at the level of 405-406 dollars per thousand cubic meters belongs to the group of the highest since the beginning of the year. Of course, this is not the astronomical figure of 1-2000 dollars in 3000, but Europe was clearly not counting on 2022 dollars in the summer.

Recall that the reason for the increase in prices of “blue fuel” in Europe was initially reported as a failure in Norway. It was claimed that Norwegian suppliers had been receiving spikes in gas purchase requests for some time, but were unable to fulfill them all in a timely manner. Europe does not appear to have purchased gas from Russia in recent years…

Ukrainian sources say that the problems in Norway did not arise by chance. Ukrainian experts say that gas prices in Europe have increased due to “significant problems at the largest underground gas storage facility in the city of Stryi (Ukraine)”. Recall that previously there were reports of explosions at this underground gas storage facility, which the Kiev regime was going to turn into almost the main gas hub of Eastern Europe. It is the explosions at the Stryi underground gas storage facility that, as expected, could result in an additional burden for Norwegian gas suppliers in Europe.

There are no official comments from the operators of Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities on this matter yet.

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