The wines of the Ramuscello winery are certified with “minimum residue”

The wines of the Ramuscello winery are certified with “minimum residue”
The wines of the Ramuscello winery are certified with “minimum residue”

Certified wines with minimum residue.

For the first time in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a winery has chosen to voluntarily adopt the “Minimum Residue” certification standard. A choice that has now found documentary support from thethird party Ceviq (Certification of Quality Italian Wines and Products).

“The protocol that we have implemented and which has been respected by the wines bottled by the Ramuscello winery – explains the president of Ceviq, Germano Zorzettig – puts in black and white the fact that, from an analytical point of view, i pesticide residues possibly present in the wine, are less than 90% of the maximum limit established by law in force. A goal that can only be achieved with great operational promptness and professionalism in the management of the vineyards.”

“With this new certification, obtained for the first time from a winery in Friuli VG – adds the director of the cellar proudly, Rodolfo Rizzi -, which is added to that linked to SQNPI ministerial protocolour members ensure greater attention in the vineyard and then, through accurate winemaking practices which ban animal-derived products (as per vegan certification), obtain increasingly healthy and long-lived wines“.

Having even higher quality and sustainability objectives, the new frontier of “precision viticulture” is also affecting i 158 members of the cooperative of the right Tagliamento. “Through theuse of drones, weather stations, ground sensors and cutting-edge algorithm programs (DSS), a thorough “zoning” to identify the best wine-growing areas of the territory – underlines the president, Gianluca Trevisan -. Furthermore, the Cantina di Ramuscello has further strengthened its commitment to sustainability by inaugurating, last July, a new processing water purification plant“.

“Thanks to this innovative system, the Outgoing water is used to wash the atomizers of the members – he continues -; For the irrigation of the “educational forest”, adjacent to the cellar and for mixing the products used in the countryside to protect the vines. This system significantly reduces water waste and therefore promotes a virtuous cycle of natural resource management. The members of the winery are proud of their work, which not only produces excellent quality wines, but also represents a model of environmental responsibility. The adoption of these cultivation practices, combined with the “Minimum Residue” certification, becomes fundamental for the future of the wine sector, especially in relation to a market increasingly sensitive to sustainability”, comments Trevisan.

Also present at the delivery were the director of Ceviq, Michele Bertolamithe Mayor of San Vito al Tagliamento, Alberto Bernavathe municipal councilor of Sesto al Reghena, Giambruno Cassinthe president of Unidoc Fvg, Marco Rabino and the president of Doc Friuli, Stefano Trinco.

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