Dear beaches: in Sicily there is still the “cheapest” sea in Italy, but prices are rising

Dear beaches: in Sicily there is still the “cheapest” sea in Italy, but prices are rising
Dear beaches: in Sicily there is still the “cheapest” sea in Italy, but prices are rising

Federconsumatori, in collaboration with the Isscon Foundation, has monitored the 2024 prices of summer holidays in Lazio, Tuscany, Liguria, Sicily, Sardinia, Campania, Calabria, Basilicata, Puglia, Abruzzo, Marche, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto. In our Region the prices were recorded on the beaches of Catania, Palermo and Trapani and, just like last year, Sicily is still a relatively economical region with all prices below the national average. At the same time, however, all prices are growing.

In 2024, in fact, Sicilian prices are also much lower than the Italian average, even half in some cases (such as annual passes in beach establishments) but, unfortunately, they are higher prices than those recorded by Federconsumatori last year. “Already last year – recalls the president of Federconsumatori Sicilia Alfio La Rosa – we were worried about rising prices. This year we can only be even more worried.”

Last year Federconsumatori Sicilia asked for close attention to the issue of mapping the Sicilian coasts in order to establish the number and extent of concessions to be put up for tender. This year all the concessions already in place last year have been extended to 31 December and over 6,000 requests for new concessions for tourist facilities on the beaches are pending at the regional Maritime State Property Office.

“We strongly fear – concludes La Rosa – that as a counterbalance to the paid beach, which costs more and more, there will be fewer and fewer free beaches for Sicilian families. It would be very serious, because it is true that Sicily is a region with a very strong tourist vocation, but it is also true that it is inhabited by 5 million Sicilians who have the right to go to the seaside without spending a fortune”.

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