Training day in Bussana for the students of Fudoshin Karate Liguria

Training day in Bussana for the students of Fudoshin Karate Liguria
Training day in Bussana for the students of Fudoshin Karate Liguria

Sanremo. Yesterday, Sunday 2 June, the youngest pupils of Fudoshin Karate Liguria they found themselves in the splendid setting of Bussana Vecchia, along the suggestive cycle path. Under a bright sun, Maestro Dario Regina presented to his students the program they will face during the belt exam scheduled for the end of the month.

The day’s program was intense and stimulating. The children participated with enthusiasm and dedication in the proposed exercises, demonstrating great commitment and desire to learn. Maestro Regina led the training with his usual passion, dedicating attention to each student and providing valuable advice to improve techniques and refine movements. It was a moment of great growth, not only technical but also personal, for all the participants.

After the intense morning training, a convivial lunch was organized which involved not only the kids and the teachers, but also the parents, creating an atmosphere of sharing, the basis of Fudoshin. The Impekabile restaurant in Bussana di Sanremo hosted the group, offering a perfect location and impeccable hospitality.

«This day – commented Maestro Dario Regina – was not only an opportunity to train and prepare for exams, but also an opportunity to experience moments of sharing and friendship, fundamental elements in the growth of young students. We sincerely thank all those who participated and contributed to the success of the event, in particular the Impekabile restaurant for the splendid hospitality. We are certain that days like this contribute to strengthening the team spirit and making our Fudoshin even more solid.”

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