«Day of national pride» • The Gorizia area

It was the Minister of Relations with Parliament, Luca Cirianito represent the government during the ceremony at Redipuglia Shrineon the occasion of 78th anniversary of Republic Day. The executive representative crossed the Via Eroica as per ceremonial, at 11, and placed a laurel wreath in honor of the fallen at the chapel of the Duke of Aosta. However, the festive morning in the province began at 8am with the flag raising in Piazza Vittoria in Gorizia, in the presence of the prefect Raffaele Ricciardi and the highest civil and military authorities.

The military ceremony was organized and managed by military command of the Army of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Representing the regional administration was theHeritage councilor, Sebastiano Callari.

They were there to accompany Minister Ciriani as he entered the Shrine prefect of Gorizia Raffaele Ricciardi, that of Trieste Pietro Signoriello, the mayor of Fogliano Redipuglia, Cristiana Pisano and general Ugo Cillo of the Northern Italy operational forces. The military units, the arms associations and the banners of most of the municipalities in the region were deployed.

Among the authorities present, the police commissioner Luigi di Ruscio, the president of the regional council Mauro Bordin, the regional councilor of the League Antonio Calligaris, the senator of Fratelli d’Italia Francesca Tubetti and the deputy of the Democratic Party Debora Serracchiani. The ceremony was enriched by the music of the Fanfare of the Pozzuolo del Friuli Brigade. After reading the Prayer for the Fatherland recited by military chaplain Don Sigismondo Schiavone, the partisan and golden medal for military valor, Paola Del Din in Cargnelli read out the motivation for awarding the gold medal for military valor to the Unknown Soldier.

As mentioned, there were many “insiders”, but popular participation was low (just over a hundred people present). An off-the-cuff speech accompanied by a few short written notes characterized the speech of the government representative who retraced “unforgettable pages of history” full of values ​​and sufferings which, thanks to the “spirit of homeland and sacrifices, were inspirational reasons” of the choice between Monarchy and Republic.

«The vote has marked our future – these are Ciriani’s words – we owe democracy to the vote». There was no shortage of references to the protection of freedom, well-being and justice. Values ​​to be protected and guaranteed “in a complex era made up of wars such as those in Ukraine and the Middle East”. From this then, the call to the “responsibility of those who represent the citizens” and to the defense “of the achievements of the past” because – again according to the minister – “there must be a single community of intent and we must row in the same direction”.

The declarations at the end of the ceremony
It was the first time – «defined as exciting» – for Luca Ciriani at the ceremony on 2 June in Redipuglia. The minister, before returning to Rome, spoke with journalists as he left the Shrine. «It’s national pride day – It reaffirmed – everyone’s party, a tribute to the 100,000 who died in the effort to guarantee a better Italy for young people.” And again: «We celebrate a celebration of national unity and not of partisanship. Today we leave political controversies out.”

Commenting on the low participation, he invited us to be attracted by such occasions. «Until twenty years ago – states the minister – it was an almost rhetorical gesture of political belonging, now it is a sign for everyone». Finally taking up the appeal addressed to future generations, Ciriani described today’s demonstration as «La celebration of hope in an Italy that is increasingly stronger in the world». «Let’s work together in this direction for the future – she concludes – without giving up the sense of national belonging, identity and our roots».

The words of Anzil and Serracchiani
«Republic Day invites everyone to cultivate the precious good of unity and sharing and, as Mattarella underlined, it is a day that recalls the values ​​of identity and of a far-sighted and wise Constitution: communion of intent and ability to cooperate for the common good they must prevail despite the electoral climate leading to a climate of conflict and even more so in these hours in which Friuli Venezia Giulia is experiencing the drama of young lives broken.” This was stated by vice-president of the Region, Mario Anzilcommenting on today’s celebration.

«In 1946 the people decided that Italy should be a Republic and end with the monarchy, stained with the historical guilt of having opened the way to the fascist dictatorship and the worst war ever for our country. Let us remember without hesitation our authentic values, those cemented in the toughest trials, in the struggles for unity, freedom and democracy. From here we must not take any steps backwards” so the MP Debora Serracchiani.

Photo Fabio Bergamasco

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