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In the name of Aldo Belletta on the day of the Battle: thousands already in the city for the celebration

In the name of Aldo Belletta on the day of the Battle: thousands already in the city for the celebration
In the name of Aldo Belletta on the day of the Battle: thousands already in the city for the celebration

This morning, the longest and most awaited day of the celebrations of June 4, 1859, which this year coincide with Republic Day, opened with the long procession and the evocative Holy Mass at the Ossuary field.

Celebrations in great order and with great public participation since the morning, as the late Aldo Belletta, who recently passed away, would have wanted, to which the Pro Loco Council led by its president Pietro Pierrettori in agreement with the Mayor Luca Del Gobbo, decided to dedicate these celebrations.

In the Holy Mass at the camp, on more than one occasion our Provost Don Giuseppe Marinoni invoked Peace with respect to the war conflicts that are bloodied the world in the heart of Europe and in the nearby Middle East.

A prayer for Peace that goes well with the idea of ​​a June 4th which has always not wanted to be a moment in which to re-propose the blood and the thousands of victims of that Battle, rather the passage towards the Unification of Italy and, subsequently the birth of a Europe of Peoples, in which feelings of brotherhood and solidarity should reign supreme. Themes which, although dating back to 1859, are now more relevant than ever.

In the sequence we propose some of the most interesting moments of this morning which will end as per tradition in Casa Giacobbe with the inauguration of the exhibitions signed by Pro Loco with the precious collaboration this year of the Italian Air Force.

We remember that the highlight of the day will be the re-enactment at 4pm in Villa Naj Oleari where since yesterday you can admire the wonderful atmosphere created by the historical re-enactors with their bivouacs and uniforms.

A real dive into those days of 1859 that changed the destiny of our country.

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